Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church Synod College In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services
The Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church Synod College in Lithuania is the brainchild of the Reformed Church of Lithuania. Established in 1992, it is the first Seminary in Lithuania for the training and formation of ministers of the church. The college is a special branch of the University of Siauliai. It offers theological, pastoral and social sciences programmes on the Bachelor and Master’s (Magistro) levels, as well as a range of vocational and language programmes. It is well-known for its focus on applied research and its activities for all of society, including seminars and conferences, and the publication of books, journals and theses. It values cooperative partnerships with other educational institutions in Europe and beyond. The college also provides guidance for those preparing to become ordained ministers and offers preparation for those desiring to go on pilgrimage to holy sites. The college is part of the Reformed Church of Lithuania, which belongs to the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
Explore Lithuania most popular tourist destination with us. Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church Synod College In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lithuania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
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