St Nicholas Catholic Church In Liechtenstein: History,Facts, & Services


dates back to the late 19th century. The current structure dates back to 1942, when the parish of St Nicholas was founded, and the building of the church soon followed. The beautiful altar piece in the church was designed by the Italian architect Antonio Spadavera. The church is visited by both locals and tourists throughout the year, and offers weekly services to the local parishioners. It is one of the best churches in Liechtenstein which you must visit.


1. St. Nicholas Catholic Church is the only Roman Catholic Church in Liechtenstein, located in the capital, Vaduz. 2. The Church was built in 395 AD and is the oldest church in Liechtenstein. 3. The Church was built as a Benedictine Monastery and is a living witness to the history of religion in Liechtenstein. 4. A parish priest, Raimund Salih, currently serves at the Church. 5. The Church offers Mass every Sunday at 10:00 am and there are various services and activities throughout the year. 6. In 2020, Pope Francis granted the Church a special blessing in honor of its 425th anniversary. Here are some facts about the Liechtenstein Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Liechtenstein


St Nicholas Catholic Church in Liechtenstein offers a variety of services for members of the church community and visitors to the Vaduz area. • Mass and Liturgy: Mass is held each Sunday at 10 a.m. in the Church. Other liturgical services are also offered periodically, as well as special services for Holy Days and other major religious events. • Fellowship Events: The Church sponsors a variety of activities, including spiritual retreats and social activities, to provide an opportunity for members to interact and build relationships. • Education: Bible studies and other classes are offered to those wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith. • Youth Programs: The Church's youth ministry offers religious education and recreational activities for children and young adults. • Charity and Outreach: Volunteers from the Church are active in helping the needy and providing public outreach services. • Parish Council: The Church is supported by a parish council, which is responsible for operating the church and expressing the views of the congregation. • Music Ministry: The Church Choir performs at liturgical services and special events. This beautiful church in Liechtenstein has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Liechtenstein most popular tourist destination with us. St Nicholas Catholic Church In Liechtenstein: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Liechtenstein main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Vaduz Liechtenstein

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