Christian Council of Lesotho In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services
The Christian Council of Lesotho is a voluntary association of Christian churches and organisations based in Lesotho. It seeks to promote peace, justice, and development within Lesotho and among its neighbours. It is widely respected for its ecumenical outreach as it encourages churches, particularly those from different denominations, to work together to serve the local population. The Council works to promote religious freedom and promote religious tolerance, reconciliation, and understanding. It also works to provide education and training to the public, promote health awareness and the elimination of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and provide support and assistance to needy families. Other services provided by the Council include spiritual counseling, family planning, and advocacy for the rights of women and children.
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, the Christian Council of Lesotho is the main Christian body in the country.
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, the Christian Council of Lesotho is the main Christian body in the country. Lesotho