AME Church In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services
The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church is a historic Christian denomination that was founded in Lesotho and is headquartered in Gauteng. It was established in Lesotho in 1867 by Lesotho-born Bishop O.B. Silundika and his visiting American colleague, Apostle Richard Allen. The two men were inspired by John Wesley's writings and teachings and sought to share the Christian faith in a way that would be meaningful to their African brothers and sisters.
Today, the AME Church in Lesotho is the largest Protestant denomination in the country, with more than 550 churches, many of which are located in rural communities. The Church has its own theology, which centers on God’s love and emphasizes justice, love, and respect for all of humanity. It is an African-American Christian denomination, founded on the belief that the liberating power of Jesus Christ should transcend race, sex, culture, and economic status.
The services of the AME Church in Lesotho focus on social programming, spiritual enrichment, and mental health issues. It also provides a variety of other services including education, counseling, healthcare, and assistance to the less fortunate. Education is a priority of the Church and it works hard to ensure that every child has access to education so they can reach their full potential. The Church also serves a critical role in providing assistance to people in Lesotho, especially those who may not be able to access assistance from other sources.
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