Iglesia Evangélica Bautista Príncipe de Paz In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services


is a small non-denominational Protestant church located in Pristina, Kosovo. The church was founded in 2002 and has around 300 active members. The church provides spiritual and social support to the people in Kosovo through weekly worship services, Bible studies, prayer meetings, and various activities aimed at reaching out to the community. The church also hosts exchange programs where people from other countries come to experience the culture, and has partnerships with other churches and organizations in Europe. It is one of the best churches in Kosovo which you must visit.


1. Iglesia Evangelica Bautista Principe de Paz (Prince of Peace Baptist Evangelical Church) is a Christian church located in the Kosovar capital city of Pristina. 2. The church was founded in 2003 by Pastor Jose Luis Coto and his wife, Susana. 3. It is affiliated with the International Baptists Council, the main baptist organization in Kosovo. 4. The church offers an array of religious activities and programs such as Sunday services, youth groups, Bible studies, and prayer meetings. 5. Iglesia Evangelica Bautista Principe de Paz is dedicated to providing spiritual guidance and support for its members and their families. 6. The church is actively involved in the local community, providing assistance to those in need and running Christmas and Easter programs. 7. The church also focuses on evangelizing through small group outreach activities and short-term mission trips. 8. Iglesia Evangelica Bautista Principe de Paz provides a safe and welcoming environment for people of all ages, believing there is unity in diversity. Here are some facts about the Kosovo Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Kosovo


The Iglesia Evangélica Bautista Príncipe de Paz in Kosovo aims to build a Christian community focused on Jesus Christ and His teachings, in order to spread the love of God and His salvation. Services provided by the church are include: • Sunday Worship Services – Every Sunday, the church gathers for worship services with preaching, prayers, and singing. • Bible Teaching – Bible teaching and discipleship classes are held during the week to help people come to know and grow in their relationship with Jesus. • Outreach Events – The church plans various outreach events, such as mission trips, conferences, and evangelism activities, to reach people with the Gospel. • Counseling Services – Counseling services provide spiritual direction, guidance, and support to those in need. • Prayer Meetings – Prayer meetings are held regularly, to bring people together in prayer for the protection and success of the church, its members, and the community. • Music Ministry – The music ministry provides musical support during worship services, special events, and other occasions. • Community Outreach – The church provides services and activities that are designed to meet the needs of the community, such as food pantries, clothing drives, and soup kitchens. • Mission Trips – The church sends out teams of volunteers to various parts of the world to spread the Gospel and help people in need. This beautiful church in Kosovo has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Kosovo most popular tourist destination with us. Iglesia Evangélica Bautista Príncipe de Paz In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Kosovo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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