Iglesia Belén Pentecostal Libre del Paraguay - Filial Ñemby In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services


is a the Pentecostal church founded in Ñemby, Paraguay in 1948, by the Revs. Hipólito Lezcano and Eladio González. The church is part of the larger Pentecostal movement that has spread around the world in the 20th century. In 2015, the Iglesia Belén Pentecostal Libre del Paraguay opened its first overseas mission in Kosovo, making it one of the very few Pentecostal churches worldwide to expand outside of their native country. Through the mission, the church has spread its message of peace, unity, faith and hope in the hearts of those living in Kosovo, and works to serve as a beacon of faith and to spread the gospel to the refugee and immigrant population living in the region. It is one of the best churches in Kosovo which you must visit.


Iglesia Belén Pentecostal Libre del Paraguay – Filial Ñemby is a Christian church established in 2000 in the city of Ñemby in the Central Department, Paraguay. The church is part of the Pentecostal Liberal Movement and the Latin American Association of Pentecostal Churches. The church is mainly made up of Paraguayan and Bosnian immigrants from Former Yugoslavia. The church currently has a membership of around 250 families, with an estimated 2,000 people attending services every Sunday. Services are conducted in both Spanish and Azerí, the language spoken by most of the immigrants. In addition to regular Sunday services, the church hosts many other activities, such as Bible study groups, seminars, retreats, and outreach programs. It is also active in the local community, helping to support those in need. The church is led by Senior Pastor Miguel Yapar, who has been the pastor since the church’s founding in 2000. Here are some facts about the Kosovo Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Kosovo


Iglesia Belén Pentecostal Libre del Paraguay - Filial Ñemby In Kosovo provides a range of spiritual services to its members. These services include weekday and Sunday worship services, prayer and bible study meetings, pastoral counseling and spiritual guidance, and pastoral visits to members and their families. They also provide special services such as baptisms, weddings, and funeral services. They offer youth and adult education classes, special retreats, and community outreach activities. Additionally, they organize various social activities such as sports, music, and art classes. Furthermore, they offer a wide range of assistance programs such as support for medical, legal, and financial needs. This beautiful church in Kosovo has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Kosovo most popular tourist destination with us. Iglesia Belén Pentecostal Libre del Paraguay - Filial Ñemby In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Kosovo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Ñemby Kosovo

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