Petra In Jordan: History,Facts, & Services

Petra is an ancient city located in what is now the southern Jordanian town of Wadi Musa. It is believed to have been founded as early as around 312 B.C. by the Nabataean Arabs, a nomadic tribe who settled in and built monuments and dams in the area. Over the centuries, Petra was an important trading hub and was the cultural and commercial center of the region. Petra History The city of Petra rose to prominence during the 4th century BC as the capital of the Nabatean kingdom, and was an important crossroads for trade and travel between Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Southwestern Asia. Petra was known by a variety of names throughout its history, including Rekem by the Hebrews, Sela by the Syrians, and “Rock of Greenwood” by the Nabateans. Its impressive masonry gave it a near mythical status, and for many centuries it remained unknown to Europeans. Petra Facts Petra is Jordan’s largest tourist attraction, with numerous archeological sites, monuments and cultural attractions that draw millions of visitors from all over the world every year. The city is also a UNESCO World Heritage site, recognized for its well preserved monuments and archaeological remains. The most popular attraction at Petra is the Treasury, an ancient Nabatean monument carved into a sandstone wall, as well as the Monastery, a large structure originally built for worship. Petra Services In addition to its monuments and archaeological sites, Petra has a wide range of services catering to tourists and visitors. These include hotels, restaurants, tour companies, and transportation services. There are also a variety of souvenir shops selling Jordanian handicrafts, jewelry, pottery and clothing. The area is also home to a small Bedouin community, which provides its own unique services, such as camel rides and cultural performances.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Petra In Jordan: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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