Gereja Yesus Hidup Sejati (YHS) In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services


a Yesus Hidup Sejati (YHS) is an Indonesian church. It is a Pentecostal community established in 2003 by Ps. Jendy Ngangher. The church seeks to minister to individuals, families and communities through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Its mission is to release the Holy Spirit into the world and to spread the gospel of Christ. It has grown significantly since its beginning and now has two divisions: YHS Discipleship and YHS Ministries. The History of Gereja Yesus Hidup Sejati (YHS) began in 2003 when Ps. Jendy Ngangher established the church in Jakarta. As the church grew and expanded, it has opened branches in other regions of Indonesia, namely Bogor, Tangerang and Bali. Gereja Yesus Hidup Sejati (YHS) This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Indonesia.


Here are some facts about the Gereja Yesus Hidup Sejati (YHS) In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Indonesia
- The members of the Indonesian church practice and follow six core values: prayer, fasting, love, forgiveness, humility and obedience. - A majority of the church’s members are young adults and teenagers. - The church has a large following overseas, including the United States and Canada. - YHS has launched a spiritual initiative called “Love and Serve”, which seeks to spread the message of love and help to those in need. Gereja Yesus Hidup Sejati (YHS)

- Worship Services. - Bible Study. - Community Outreach Program. - Christian Counseling. - Prayer and Fasting. - Online Bible Classes. - Events and Retreats. - Music Ministry. - Mission Trips. - Youth Ministry.This beautiful church in Indonesia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Indonesia most popular tourist destination with us. Gereja Yesus Hidup Sejati (YHS) In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Indonesia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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