A hill Fort In India: History,Facts, & Services

A hill fort is an enclosed, elevated area usually found on a hilltop or other high place. It is usually fortified with walls, turrets, ditches, and other structures to provide protection from invaders. Prominent features of hill forts include hills, encircling banks, and ditches. They are usually built in commanding positions and are often visible for miles. History of hill forts dates back to the Iron Age when it was used by the Celts and other pre-Roman tribes as defensive settlements. During the Middle Ages, hill forts were used to protect castles and towns from attack. In England, they were used as strongholds to defend against attacks from the Vikings and other raiders. Interesting facts about hill forts include that they are often composed of several layers, as they were built up over time. Also, many have been re-used and redesigned over the centuries. Some famous hill forts include Tintagel, Maiden Castle, and Glastonbury Tor.

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