Goed Fortuin Methodist Church In Guyana: History,Facts, & Services

Goed Fortuin Methodist Church is a church located in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. It is a registered church with the United Methodist Church and is part of the Inland Jamaica district of the West Jamaica Conference. Goed Fortuin Methodist Church has a strong presence in the community and has been in existence since 1889. The church is renowned for its hospitality, warmth and friendly atmosphere. Goed Fortuin Methodist Church It is one of the best churches in Guyana which you must visit.


Established in 1889, Goed Fortuin Methodist Church has a long and proud history of over 130 years of serving the people of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. The first congregation of the church included a few dozen people who originally met in a simple thatched roof shack until the current church building was built in 1913. Goed Fortuin Methodist Church This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Guyana.


Here are some facts about the Goed Fortuin Methodist Church In Guyana: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Guyana
-Goed Fortuin Methodist Church is situated in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. -It is part of the United Methodist Church and the Inland Jamaica district of the West Jamaica Conference. -The church was established in 1889 and the current church building was built in 1913. Goed Fortuin Methodist Church

Goed Fortuin Methodist Church offers a number of services to their congregation including weekly Sunday worship services, Bible study classes, Christian education classes, and a variety of educational and outreach programs.This beautiful church in Guyana has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Guyana most popular tourist destination with us. Goed Fortuin Methodist Church In Guyana: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Guyana main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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