New Green Spring Church In Georgia: History,Facts, & Services


New Green Spring Church has its origins as one of the oldest African-American churches in the area, founded on May 4, 1883 in Pike County, Georgia. The Rural Development Center, the New Green Spring Church School and the New Green Spring Church Cemetery were founded in the 1890’s which helped to serve second generation immigrants from Haiti, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and India. The Church was incorporated on December 19, 1884 and the current building dates to the early 20th century. The church was very active in community affairs the early 20th century when it was the only "colored" congregation in the county. Over the years, it catered to a diverse membership, reaching out to white people as well, influenced by its location along a well-traveled barge canal route from Atlanta to Macon. Today, New Green Spring is a member of the South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church. The church continues to serve the surrounding community, providing member and visitor service,; educational, social, and spiritual activities; youth and adult ministry; and a food bank and pantry. It is one of the best churches in Georgia which you must visit.


1. New Green Spring Church is located in Wilcox County, Georgia. 2. The church was established in 1786 and is one of the oldest churches in Georgia. 3. It is the only remaining church from the early days of Methodism in Wilcox County. 4. The church is a large frame structure built in Greek Revival style. 5. The original church building was constructed in 1851 and was later covered with painted white weatherboard siding. 6. The church features a tall steeple with white wooden bells, a balcony, a built-in pulpit, and many other unique architectural features. 7. The church is still an active congregation and offers regular services, Sunday School classes, and other events. Here are some facts about the Georgia Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Georgia


1. Worship Services – Sunday morning worship services are held at New Green Spring Church in Georgia. Services are a blend of traditional and contemporary worship styles and typically last for roughly an hour and fifteen minutes. 2. Small Groups – Members of New Green Spring Church can participate in small groups. Groups are formed every few months and typically meet every other week. 3. Bible Studies & Classes – Bible studies and classes are offered throughout the year to help members of New Green Spring Church grow in their faith. 4. Children & Youth Programs – New Green Spring Church has a wide range of programs dedicated to developing children and youth through Bible study, activities, and fun events. 5. Community Outreach Programs – New Green Spring Church is involved in a variety of outreach programs throughout the local community. These activities help the church to build relationships and impact its local community for the better. 6. Missions & Evangelism – Members of New Green Spring Church are encouraged to get involved in evangelism and missions both domestically and abroad. This beautiful church in Georgia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Georgia most popular tourist destination with us. New Green Spring Church In Georgia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Georgia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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