McRae United Methodist Church In Georgia: History,Facts, & Services


is a Christian Church located in the City of McRae, Georgia. The Church was originally organized in 1895 and is an affiliate of the United Methodist Church. McRae United Methodist Church is committed to reaching out to all members of the community with God's love, and providing spiritual guidance and nurture to all people regardless of age, race, gender or economic background. The Church offers several ministries including Bible study, youth programs, music programs, and outreach activities to those in need. It is one of the best churches in Georgia which you must visit.


1. McRae United Methodist Church (MUMC) is located in McRae, Georgia, United States. 2. MUMC was incorporated in 1896, and the cornerstone of the current building was laid in May of that year. 3. MUMC is part of the South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church. 4. The church is located at 211 East Oak St, McRae, GA 31055. 5. MUMC offers a variety of activities for all ages, including Sunday school, youth activities, Bible study, and more. 6. MUMC invites all to come and worship and declares that no matter who you are, where you are from, or where you are going, you are welcome. 7. MUMC has two outreach ministries, one that serves the homeless and another that serves hospice patients. 8. The parishioners of MUMC are very active in the community, supporting programs like food and clothing pantries, community meals, toy drives, and more. Here are some facts about the Georgia Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Georgia


McRae United Methodist Church in Georgia provides a variety of services that range from worship and spiritual growth activities to serving the community. Worship Services: McRae United Methodist Church offers traditional and modern worship services every Sunday at 11:00am. The church also hosts a weekly Wednesday night prayer service and other special services, such as Holy Communion, throughout the year. Ministries & Missions: The church is committed to local and global mission projects, whether it is serving a hot meal to the homeless or participating in mission trips around the world. The church offers ministries for individuals of all ages, from preschool to senior adults, including Bible studies, Sunday school classes, weekly youth group meetings, and more. Social Programs: The church is active in the community, participating in campaigns such as Run for Missions and offering its facilities to local non-profits for events and programs. Small Groups: In addition to its larger worship gatherings, the church offers small group studies and fellowship. Topics covered vary from year to year, and include topics such as marriage, parenting, prayer, and more. Virtual Services: During this time of social distancing, McRae United Methodist Church offers livestreaming of its Sunday worship services and periodic online gatherings. This beautiful church in Georgia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Georgia most popular tourist destination with us. McRae United Methodist Church In Georgia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Georgia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    McRae, Georgia

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McRae, Georgia Georgia

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