Pentecostal Church of TampereIn Finland: History,Facts, & Services

The Pentecostal Church of Tampere is a church in Finland's Pirkanmaa region that began in the 1950s. It has been located in the city centre of Tampere since 1970. History The Pentecostal Church of Tampere was founded in 1950 with Pastor Veikko and Lea Havukunnas as the founding pastors. The church focused on spiritual revival and mission work. During the church's early years, it received numerous converts from the rural areas of Central Finland. In 1970, the church was established in its current location in the city centre of Tampere. The church currently has a membership of about 300 members, making it one of the largest pentecostal churches in Finland. Facts The Pentecostal Church of Tampere is part of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Finland. The church follows the dominant pentecostal doctrine and practises that are shared by other churches of the denomination. The church subscribes to a “full gospel” theology which includes doctrines such as baptism of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, divine healing, and the second coming of Christ. Services The Pentecostal Church of Tampere offers a variety of services such as Sunday worship services, Sunday school, Bible studies, missionary outreach, prayer meetings, youth activities, and special events. The church also provides spiritual counseling and marriage counseling services. Additionally, the church sponsors various mission trips and events around the world to spread the gospel.

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