Laukaan kirkkoIn Finland: History,Facts, & Services

Laukaan kirkko is a Lutheran church located in Laukaa, Finland. Built in 1771, the church has a rich history, traditions, and culture. With its grandiose facade, Laukaan kirkko is a popular tourist attraction in the small village of Laukaa. Laukaan kirkko History Laukaan kirkko was consecrated in 1771, making it the oldest church in the region. Prior to the construction of the current structure, the area was served by a wooden chapel, built on the same spot in 1645. After the wooden chapel was destroyed by fire in 1662, the congregation decided to construct a larger stone and brick church. The current church has been altered several times since its original construction, however, the exterior and interior masonry from the 1700s has been preserved. Laukaan kirkko Facts •The tall tower of Laukaan Kirkko has a clock made in 1774 and is one of the oldest still functioning clocks in Finland. •The church is especially renowned for its three-manual organ, built in 1914. •Laukaan Kirkko is open to visitors and can accommodate up to 800 people. •The church is known as Finland's national church of the Pietists due to its strong connection to the revivalist movement in the late 18th century. •The current pastor is the Reverend Laila Tuominen. Laukaan kirkko Services Laukaan kirkko hosts numerous events and services throughout the year, ranging from regular Sunday services to other occasions such as baptisms and weddings. The church is a lively gathering place, open to all visitors, regardless of denomination. It also organizes various cultural events such as seasonal concerts, seminars, and lectures.

Explore Finland most popular tourist destination with us. Laukaan kirkkoIn Finland: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Finland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Laukaa Finland

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