Jämsä churchIn Finland: History,Facts, & Services

Jämsä church is a Lutheran church located in Jämsä, Finland. It is a part of the Lutheran Church of Finland and was built in 1853. The building has a long, rectangular interior with three aisles and a semi-circular apse. The church has an iconic, yellow spire and is easily recognizable from afar. Jämsä church It is one of the best churches in Finland which you must visit.


Jämsä church has a long and interesting history. During the First World War, Jämsä and its surrounding area was used as a defense base by the Imperial Russian Army from June 1918 to February 1919. After the war, the church came under the control of the Finnish State Church. The interior of the church was reconstructed in 1973 and the new building is the basis of today's Jämsä church. Jämsä church This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Finland.


Here are some facts about the Jämsä churchIn Finland: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Finland
Jämsä church is constructed out of brick and is 28 meters long and 14 meters wide. The church building is surrounded by a graveyard which dates back to the 18th century. The church is a popular destination for events such as concerts and plays, as well as being a popular wedding venue. Jämsä church

Jämsä church provides the full range of Lutheran services such as Communion, Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. The church is also home to its own choir and organists. The church is open to the public for visits several days a week for visitors wishing to take in its beauty.This beautiful church in Finland has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Finland most popular tourist destination with us. Jämsä churchIn Finland: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Finland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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