Stone Figures at Ofaro, Kwara State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Stone Figures at Ofaro are located in Ofaro, a village in Kwara State in Nigeria. The figures are believed to be of supernatural origin and date back to the pre-colonial era. The figures, which stand at about three to four meters in height and represent human and animal forms, were used for rituals. They are seen as a representation of divine power, and have been an important part of the village’s oral history and culture. They are believed to be a part of an ancient cultural practice that still exists to this day. Today, the figures are a tourist attraction and are viewed as a reminder of the past. It is believed that the figures are meant to help the villagers remember their history and culture, and serve as a reminder of the power of the spirits. Visitors to the village can visit the figures, observe their symbolism and learn more about the culture of the village. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Nigeria
Prominent Features:

The Ofaro Stone Figures which are located in the Gwanara district of Kwara State in Nigeria were carved sometime between the late 12th Century and early 13th Century, and are thought to have been placed there by the Maguzawa people. The figures are of human figures, animals, and other objects carved out of large boulders, which line a stream and stand as monuments to the people of those times. The size and number of the figures vary, with some being up to seven feet tall. The most popular figures are those of a woman, a man, and a bull, which are thought to have served as a form of ancestor worship. The Ofaro Stone Figures are an important part of Nigeria's history and culture, and remain an important part of the area today. Visitors to the site often observe the figures from a distance and take photographs, but the figures remain one of the many mysteries of this area of Nigeria. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Nigeria.


The stone figures of Ofaro, Kwara State, Nigeria represent a rich and vibrant history that has been passed down by generations of natives, most of whom belong to the Nupe ethnic group. The figures are believed to have been carved by the Nupe people during the 17th century, during which the renowned Nupe Kingdom flourished and played an important role in regional trade. The figures found at Ofaro are thought to be funerary images, and they include human-like figures with animal heads, human figures in a seated position or holding vessels, and abstract designs. These figures are typically carved from granite, which is abundant in the region, and they usually range in size from a few inches to over three feet tall. The figures of Ofaro are believed to be an expression of the Nupe people’s religious beliefs, which focus on ancestor veneration and animism. These beliefs were expressed through art and sculptures, and so the stone figures found at Ofaro are thought to represent not only spiritual forces, but also important social concepts such as royalty and protection. The stone figures of Ofaro are also believed to be a part of the Nupe kingdom’s political expression, as it is thought that they acted as symbols of the kingdom’s power and helped to spread the city’s influence beyond its own borders. The Nupe kingdom fell in the 19th century, yet the stone figures of Ofaro remain, and are seen as an important part of both the Nupe people’s culture and Nigeria’s history. They have become national symbols of the country, and the Nigerian government has made efforts to preserve the figures. Today, the figures can be found in museums, in traditional ceremonies, and as a part of outdoor art exhibits that celebrate the country’s vibrant culture. Visit one of the famous monuments of Nigeria with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Stone Figures at Ofaro in Kwara State were constructed sometime in the 12th century by the Riyom Kingdom to serve as landmarks in the area. 2. The statues, which measure up to 2.2 metres and 1.85 metres in height, are made up of granite and basalt rocks. 3. Ofaro is believed to have been the capital of the kingdom and the statues served as a form of protection as they were thought to be sacred and protected the city from external forces. 4. The statues at Ofaro are one of the few remaining monuments in Nigeria that have survived through time. 5. In 1978, the Stone Figures at Ofaro were listed as one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites and are protected by the Nigerian government. 6. A tradition within the Riyom Kingdom said that the statues were animated by priests and could come to life and perform acts of protection. 7. Local villagers still hold rituals in front of the statues in order to communicate with their gods and seek protection. One of the historical monuments of Nigeria, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Nigeria most popular tourist destination with us. Stone Figures at Ofaro, Kwara State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Nigeria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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