Ollantaytambo Temple of the Sun In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Ollantaytambo Temple of the Sun is an ancient temple located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru. The temple is believed to have been constructed by the Inca Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui in the late 15th century AD. Historians believe it was used as an astronomical observatory and as a religious site - the Temple of the Sun is dedicated to the sun god Inti. Ollantaytambo Temple of the Sun is built in the style of the classic Inca architectural style, with three tiers, or levels. The site also includes two "semi-circular" towers, or ushnus. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Peru
Prominent Features:

1. Playa de las Águilas: Located at the base of the Ollantaytambo Temple of the Sun, Playa de las Águilas, or “Eagle’s Beach,” was named for the eagles that often soar above the area. It provides a great spot to rest and watch the sunset over the Vilcanota River. 2. The Terraces: Woven into the mountain’s rock face are hundreds of terraces—some of which reach heights of over one hundred feet. It is theorized that the Incas built the terraces in order to irrigate their crops. 3. The Main Gateway: This impressive entrance to the temple is sculpted in the shape of the legendary creature, the Puma. It is said that a golden sunstone decorated this gateway, attributing to it mystical powers. 4. The Plaza: This central patio was the epicenter of ceremonies and ritual activities for the Incas. At the center of the patio lies a leaping puma, which is said to have been constructed at the same time as the main gateway. 5. The Temple of the Sun: Standing atop a tremendous outcropping of bedrock is the impressively majestic Temple of the Sun, which served as a temple dedicated to the sun god Kon. It is adorned with intricate carvings, featuring images of gods, warriors, animals, and plants. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Peru.


The Temple of the Sun at Ollantaytambo, Peru is an ancient Inca temple located in the southern region of the Sacred Valley of the Inca. It is believed to have been built by the powerful Inca ruler Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (1438-1471). The temple is believed to have been built to honor the god Inti, the sun god, and is often called "The Temple of Inti". The temple's construction is thought to have begun around 1440 AD, and was continued by Pachacuti's son, Tupac Yupanqui. It was most likely completed around 1450. Ollantaytambo is one of the best preserved Inca sites, and its terraced slopes retain their original form. The temple is unique in its triple-terraced structure, and is typically constructed out of stone. It is said to be an architectural feat, and can reach up to four stories in height. It consists of a large plaza bounded by temples on three sides. There are two stairways that lead up the terraces, which are still in use today during certain religious ceremonies. The temple was an important site for religious ceremonies for the Inca people, and was the site of several battles and sieges between the Inca and the Spanish. Its possible that it was used as a fortress by the Inca people, since the temple's walls are much stronger than those of other Inca structures. Today, the ruins of the temple serve as a major tourist attraction in Peru. Visitors are able to explore the ruins and still see some of the original Inca architecture. Tours of the site are also available, and special accommodations can be found near the temple. It is also a major pilgrimage site for practitioners of Earth-based religions, such as the New Age Movements, and Pacha Mama worship. Visit one of the famous monuments of Peru with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Ollantaytambo Temple of the Sun is perhaps the most famous and important religious building from the Inca Empire. 2. The Temple of the Sun is located in the heart of the Sacred Valley, an ancient Inca sanctuary located about 20 miles northwest of Cusco. 3. This majestic temple was built by the order of the ninth Inca emperor, Pachacuti Yupanqui, to honor the Sun as the most powerful of all divinities for the Incas. 4. It is believed to have been conceived as an enormous astronomical calendar, where important religious ceremonies were held. 5. Even today, a visit to the temple will allow the visitor to appreciate the spectacular masonry composed of granite andesite blocks, some of which measure more than three meters in length and are fitted perfectly. 6. It is estimated that more than 700 meters of trapezoidal wall in Ollantaytambo still stand as they did 500 years ago. 7. In addition, there are a few buildings and several underground water channels, canals and aqueducts built to provide the temple with the necessary water supply. 8. The impressive temple also includes three terraces or platforms, the main one being the largest and most impressive. 9. It contains a temple with a window at its highest point and a series of niches apparently linked to astronomical observations. 10. The Ollantaytambo Temple of the Sun is one of the most important examples of Inca architecture and one of Peru’s most beautiful archaeological sites. One of the historical monuments of Peru, it tells the story of a bygone era

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Ollantaytambo Peru

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