Kuelap In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Kuelap is a pre-Inca archaeological site located in Northern Peru, in the region of Amazonas. It consists of over 400 circular stone structures, known as chullpas, built into the side of a mountain. The site is believed to have been built by the Chachapoya, a pre-Inca civilization that flourished in the region from about 800-1450 AD. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Peru
Prominent Features:

1. Location: Kuelap is situated 3,000 meters above sea level in northern Peru, nestled high on a mountain ridge in the cloud forest. 2. The Wall: The impressive outer wall extends for more than a kilometer in length and is around 10 meters high. 3. Architecture: Kuelap consists of more than 400 adobe, stone, and thatch-roofed bungalows, with many containing intricate decorative carvings. 4. Artifacts: Kuelap has yielded an array of archaeological artifacts, which are now housed in the local Chachapoyas Museum. 5. Mummified Remains: Kuelap is also home to a number of underground tombs and mummified remains of Chachapoyan nobles and warriors. 6. Astronomy: Chachapoya ruins of Kuelap are thought to have been used to observe the stars and study astronomy. 7. Viewing Platform: Kuelap features a viewing platform, which offers views over lush cloud forests and the Utcubamba valley below. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Peru.


Kuelap is an ancient pre-Inca fortress located high in the Andes Mountains in Northern Peru. It is believed to have been constructed around 500 AD, making it one of the oldest archaeological sites in the country. The site represents the grandest example of the Chachapoya culture which thrived in the region prior to being heavily influenced by the Inca empire. The site is made up of a large fortified stone wall more than 600m in length and nearly 5m in height, enclosing an area of around 6 hectares and is thought to have been the capital of the Chachapoya culture. Within the walls are around 420 round buildings, each with a single entrance and multiple levels inside. Kuelap provides an example of a Chachapoya city that flourished for centuries prior to the Incan era. It is also one of the few survivals of Chachapoya architecture, which was very heavily influenced by the Inca culture. The site has important spiritual significance to the indigenous communities who still live in the region. It is believed to be a place of powerful totemic connections and the area is home to many maize shrines, a reminder of the importance of the pre-Hispanic corn-based diet. In recent years, Kuelap has become a major tourist attraction due to its significant archaeological importance and the natural beauty of its surroundings. It has also been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, inscribed in 2018. Visit one of the famous monuments of Peru with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Kuelap is an ancient joined walled settlement built by the Chachapoya people located 1200 meters up in the northern Andean cloud forests of Peru. 2. The walls of Kuelap were constructed from fieldstone and clay with a circumference of almost 660 yards and reaching heights of up to 50 feet. 3. The estimated volume of the walls comes to around 867,000 cubic feet and their total weight is estimated to be up to 26 million tons. 4. Most of the buildings within Kuelap date back to between 500 and 1000 A.D and the largest structure is known as the Fortress and stands 200 feet wide by 150 feet tall. 5. It is believed that the settlement may have housed as many as 3,000 people at its peak and was probably used to defend against threat or attack. 6. The ruins of Kuelap remained undiscovered until 1843 when German scientist and explorer Johann Jakob von Tschudi arrived in the area. 7. In 2016 Kuelap was declared a Peruvian Historic Sanctuary in order to ensure proper preservation and protection of the site. One of the historical monuments of Peru, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Peru most popular tourist destination with us. Kuelap In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Peru main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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