Kiz Kulesi (Maiden's Tower) in Istanbul In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Kiz Kulesi is a mysterious and legendary tower located on a small islet off the coast of Istanbul, in the Sea of Marmara. The exact construction date of this structure is not known, but it is believed to have been built in the late 12th century or early 13th century. Kiz Kulesi has a long and interesting history, making it one of the most popular tourist attractions in Istanbul. Reportedly, its foundations were laid by Roman or Genoese engineers, and the tower was built in the form of a hexagonal castle, with walls three meters thick. According to legend, the tower is named after an ancient princess who was to be executed, but instead put in the tower to avoid the execution and was then left alone until she perished. Currently, the tower is a popular venue for bachelor and bachelorette parties, dinner cruises, and other events. Additionally, it is used as a restaurant and café by day and a nightclub by night. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Turkey
Prominent Features:

1. Intricate Architectural Design: The structure of Kiz Kulesi is an intricate blend of Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman architecture. It features a double-walled construction with a circular shape, intricate cylindrical towers on each of its four sides and was built atop a tall stone base. 2. Legend: The tower has a long and storied history. According to legend, a Byzantine emperor built the tower in order to protect his daughter from a prophecy that stated she would die by a snake bite if she left the island where she grew up. 3. Overlooking Location: Kiz Kulesi also boasts a beautiful view of the Bosporus Strait, Istanbul's main waterway that separates Europe from Asia, and offers an excellent view of both continents. 4. Cafe and Museum: The base of the tower has been converted into a cafe and a museum dedicated to the history of the tower. The museum houses numerous artifacts from the Ottoman Era and also provides fascinating details about the myth and legend of the tower. 5. Museum Gift Shop: The gift shop within the museum sells traditional Turkish items such as postcards, souvenirs, and tea sets which make for excellent gifts. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Turkey.


The Kiz Kulesi (Maiden’s Tower) is a tower located in the Bosphorous, which divides Europe and Asia in Istanbul, Turkey. The legend goes that the tower was built by an ancient king so his daughter could be kept safe from tragic prophesies given by an oracle. The Maiden Tower is often considered as one of the most iconic symbols of Istanbul and it has been part of many legends. The structure of the tower has been dated back to nearly 340 BC, making it one of the oldest structures in Istanbul. It was originally a large masonry platform built for the Porphyrogennetos (Royal Prince) of Byzantine. During the 12th century, the Byzantine Emperor Manuil Komnenos had the tower increased in size and eventually turned it into a fortress. During its time as a fortress, it was used for military defense against the Genoese and the Ottoman forces. In 1544, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent gained control of the tower and he had it reinforced and expanded. During his reign, the tower served as a signal station and was the meeting place of the Ottoman fleet and trading vessels. It also became a lighthouse for ships and remained so until the 20th century. Since its beginning, the Maiden's Tower has been transformed and changed multiple times over the centuries. In the 19th century, it was repaired and designed to look like a castle and it is currently a popular tourist destination that people from all over the world come to visit. Visiting the tower is a once in a lifetime experience as it offers some of the most stunning views of Istanbul and the Bosphorus. Visit one of the famous monuments of Turkey with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Kiz Kulesi, also known as Maiden’s Tower, is a tower located on a small islet off of the coast of Istanbul, Turkey. 2. It is believed to have been built in the 4th or 5th century BC. 3. The tower has been featured in various works of literature, including the Greek legend of Hero and Leander from Ancient Greece and the Ottoman legend of Fatima and Mehmet Han. 4. It is now a popular tourist attraction, available for visitors to climb and explore. 5. The tower has been featured in various television series, films, and documentaries, such as the Turkish historical drama series, Resurrection: Ertugrul. 6. The tower is now considered a symbol of Istanbul and is featured on the Turkish lira coins. 7. It is believed that the tower was originally a watchtower and lighthouse, helping ships navigate to the Bosphorus. 8. The tower has gone through multiple renovations and restorations throughout its history. One of the historical monuments of Turkey, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Turkey most popular tourist destination with us. Kiz Kulesi (Maiden's Tower) in Istanbul In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Turkey main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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