Great Barrier Reef Marine Park - Queensland In Australia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a World Heritage listed protected area located off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It covers an area of more than 344,000 square kilometres and comprises around 2,900 individual reefs and thousands of islands. The park is home to the vibrant coral reefs, amazing marine life and myriad of exceptional marine habitats. It is one of the most diverse and spectacular places on earth with many species of sea life including whales, dolphins, sharks, turtles and dugongs. The reef offers a range of activities from snorkelling and diving to sailing and swimming. Visitors can enjoy the Australian marine life as well as the breathtaking beauty of this special area. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a haven for marine life conservation and is also an important global source of food, tourism and income for the local community. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Australia
Prominent Features:

1. The world's largest coral reef system: It is the world’s largest coral reef system spanning over an area of 344,400 square kilometers. 2. Natural wonders of the world: The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven natural wonders of the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 3. Vast and unprecedented marine diversity: It is home to over 3000 reef systems and 900 islands which host vast and unprecedented marine biodiversity. 4. Distinct marine life: It is home to a variety of fish, molluscs, turtles, whales, bats, seabirds and sharks. 5. Year-round destinations: It is a popular destination throughout the year offering various physical and cultural experiences for tourists and locals alike. 6. Popular activities: Popular activities include snorkeling, diving, fishing, cruises, swimming, sailing, and wild pig hunting. 7. Environmental protection: The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) is charged with the responsibility of actively protecting and conserving the biodiversity and health of the reef. 8. Home to numerous islands: The park is home to numerous islands like Green Island, Lizard Island, and Lady Elliott Island and works to protect them and their ecosystems. 9. Outlook report: The GBRMPAs Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report in 2018 highlighted the coral bleaching due to rising temperatures and highlighted the optimum measures for its protection. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Australia.


The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was established in 1975 and is managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. The park covers an area of 348,000 square kilometres, stretching from northern Queensland to the Torres Strait. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was established to protect the rich marine life of the Great Barrier Reef, including the coral reefs, seagrass beds, turtles, dugongs, dolphins, and many species of fish. It also aims to protect the cultural values associated with the Great Barrier Reef, and to support tourism, recreation, and commercial activities that are carried out in the area. The park is home to around 400 species of coral reef fish, 1500 species of mollusc, and 500 species of bony fish. Around 2,300 species of marine plants have also been recorded in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Various management strategies are in place to protect the marine life of the park, such as no-take zones and seasonal restrictions on fishing. Many marine species are protected under national and international legislation. Regular monitoring is carried out to monitor marine life and to check the health of the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is an important part of Australia’s marine life and is visited by many tourists each year. It is also an important part of Australia’s cultural heritage. Visit one of the famous monuments of Australia with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the world’s largest protected area of ocean and covers an area of 348,000 square kilometers (134,400 square miles). 2. It is the world’s biggest single structure made by living organisms and can be seen from outer space. 3. The Great Barrier Reef is made up of over 3,000 individual coral reefs, 600 continental islands, 300 coral cays and about 150 inshore mangrove islands. 4. It is home to more than 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral and 4,000 species of mollusks. 5. It is one of the most diverse and complex ecosystems on Earth, and because of its beauty and complexity, it is listed as a World Heritage Site and is protected by the Australian government. 6. The reef supports an abundance of life and is of great importance to thousands of species of marine life that live there. 7. Visitors to the reef can take part in a variety of activities, including snorkeling, scuba diving, and glass-bottom boat tours. 8. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a great place for tourists, and over 2 million people visit each year, making it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Australia. One of the historical monuments of Australia, it tells the story of a bygone era

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