Ruinas de La Vega Vieja, La Vega In Dominican-Republic: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Ruinas de La Vega Vieja, La Vega In Dominican-Republic is a historical site located in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic, and is home to the ruins of a Spanish colonial settlement that was built on the site in the 16th century. The settlement was destroyed by an earthquake in 1564 and is now an archaeological site, with sections of the original fortifications, a colonial chapel, a cemetery, and a museum with artifacts found at the site. The ruins provide a unique glimpse into the history of the region and are a popular tourist destination. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Dominican-Republic
Prominent Features:

The ruins of La Vega Vieja are situated at the south of La Vega, in the central region of the Dominican Republic. The ruins comprise an area of about 65 hectares, within the Cenepa Valley. This area was once part of an important pre-Columbian Taino settlement. The remains of dwellings, roads, cisterns, pottery items, and artifacts have been found on the site. The site reveals evidence of a sophisticated agricultural system, which included an irrigation system and efficient agrarian structures. Sketches, paintings, and other documents indicate the ruins were one of the most important areas of Taino culture, and is believed to have been founded by the legendary Chief Guacanagarí. It served as a center and base of operation for the Taino. The ruins are now a popular tourist attraction, and visitors are able to explore the site and view replicas of Taino artifacts. Guided tours are available. Additionally, the local community offers authentic experiences of Dominican culture and cuisine. This national monument of Dominican-Republic portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Ruinas de La Vega Vieja, or Old La Vega, are an area of ruins located in the Dominican Republic. The original settlement of La Vega was founded in 1494 by Bartolome Colon, Christopher Columbus’ son. The town was located in the northern Dominican Republic, near the Cordillera Central mountain range. During the 16th century, La Vega was the fourth-largest town in the country. However, in 1605, the town was destroyed by a powerful earthquake, which nearly leveled the entire settlement. In the following years, the survivors of the quake worked to rebuild La Vega, but it never regained its original glory. In 1622, the earth shook again, this time more violently than before. This earthquake caused so much damage that it prompted the settlers to abandon the ruined La Vega and to settle a new location further north. This new town, La Vega Viejo, was established as the capital of the Spanish colony of La Vega. La Vega Viejo soon flourished, becoming one of the richest settlements in the entire Spanish colony. By the early 1800s, it had become one of the richest places in the entire New World. However, tragedy struck again in 1844, when another massive earthquake struck the area. This earthquake caused even more destruction than the two before, with some estimates claiming that up to 80% of the city was destroyed. The ruins of La Vega Viejo today stand as a reminder of the town’s turbulent past. Although much of the city has been lost, the ruins still provide evidence of the city’s rich colonial history. They are now a popular tourist destination in the Dominican Republic, offering a glimpse into the past. You must visit one of these historical places in Dominican-Republic on your Dominican-Republic tour

Interesting facts:

1. The ruins of La Vega Vieja are the remains of what was once the 16th century city of Concepción de la Vega, an important trading center in the Dominican Republic. 2. The ruins of La Vega Vieja were destroyed by a catastrophic flood in 1562, which broke a dam and forced the inhabitants to flee in haste. 3. The site was only rediscovered in 1932, when archaeologists and historians began to explore the site and staining the forgotten structure. 4. The ruins of La Vega Vieja contain more than 30 archaeological sites, including structures such as cemeteries, an aqueduct, and houses made of stone, adobe, and straw. 5. The site has been declared a national historic monument by the Dominican government, in order to preserve and protect the ruins and the history that they contain. 6. La Vega Vieja is part of a network of important pre-Columbian settlements of the Taino, the indigenous inhabitants of the Caribbean region. 7. In addition to the ruins of the city, the La Vega Vieja site also contains numerous artifacts, works of art, and pieces of pottery. 8. La Vega Vieja also contains an interpretive center, which provides visitors with information about the history and significance of the ruins. 9. The ruins of La Vega Vieja provide an important insight into the history of the region and the Caribbean, as well as offering an opportunity for visitors to appreciate and explore a truly remarkable archaeological site. Visit one of the famous monuments of Dominican-Republic with your friends and family.

Explore Dominican-Republic most popular tourist destination with us. Ruinas de La Vega Vieja, La Vega In Dominican-Republic: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Dominican-Republic main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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La Vega Dominican-Republic

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