Toro Remains In Ireland: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Toro Remains in Ireland is a historical archaeological project based at the University of Cork which is researching the history of the ancient kingdom of Dowris, which existed in present-day County Offaly in Ireland. The project focuses upon the landscape of Dowris, from the Iron Age to the present day. The project is attempting to tell the story of Dowris through archaeological and historical research, uncovering the landscape and its inhabitants over the centuries. Through field work, laboratory analysis, material culture studies, and more, the project aims to uncover the mysteries of the Kingdom of Dowris. To achieve this, it has developed and carried out a number of research projects, excavations and surveys, and established museum collections. The project also works with local communities to build a better understanding of the area, and help record and conserve its unique historical heritage. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Ireland
Prominent Features:

Some of the prominent features of Toro remaining in Ireland are its location in beautiful countryside, its easy access to Dublin and other major attractions, its traditional Irish hospitality, its excellent restaurants and pubs, and its historic charm. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Ireland.


The Toro tribe, or people group, originated in Moravia (modern-day Czech Republic) in the thirteenth century. Following their expulsion from this part of the world, the Toro dispersed into other countries in Europe, including Ireland around the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. When the three branches of this group arrived in Ireland, they established settlements in Co. Fermanagh, Co. Leitrim, and Co. Offaly. Today, the descendants of the original Toro tribe remain in Ireland, where they are commonly referred to as the “Torry". They are found in small, isolated rural communities, mainly in the counties noted above. The Torry maintain a strong cultural heritage and identity, which has survived over the centuries due to their notable adherence to their traditions. This includes their continued use of the Toro language, which has been spoken by the Torry in Ireland for nearly 500 years and is a close variant of the original language of the Toro people. Despite their small numbers, the Torry still have a distinct cultural presence in Ireland. They have their own music, dance, food and crafts unique to their culture. The Torres also organize events, such as the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Enniskillen, which celebrates their distinctive identity. Other common traditions among the Torry include traditional hunts, such as the hunting of badgers, hares, lapwings, and woodcock. Today, the Toro people in Ireland are a small, distinct minority group, struggling to maintain their cultural identity and heritage in the face of changing times and cultural influences. However, the strong bond amongst the Torry and their adherence to their traditions has ensured that their legacy and contributions to Irish culture will remain alive for generations to come. Visit one of the famous monuments of Ireland with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Toro Remains in Ireland, commonly known as “Toro”, are a series of stone circles and burial mounds located in County Meath, Ireland. 2. Toro is believed to have been constructed by a Neolithic people over 5,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest megalithic monuments in Ireland. 3. The Toro Remains are comprised of two large stone circles, along with several smaller stone circles and burial mounds. 4. The two large stone circles are located at the western end of the site and measure approximately 33 metres and 27 metres across. 5. The burial mounds indicate that Toro was likely used for ritual burial purposes. 6. Toro was possibly used as an astronomical calendar or ritual centre, with stones aligning to the movements of the sun and moon. 7. There is evidence of further prehistoric activity at the site, including a standing stone and hut circle. 8. It is believed that Toro was abandoned by the Neolithic people who built it for unknown reasons. One of the historical monuments of Ireland, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Ireland most popular tourist destination with us. Toro Remains In Ireland: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Ireland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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