Tlos Ruins in Mugla In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Tlos Ruins in Mugla In Turkey is an ancient site of Hierapolis, located in Muğla, southern Turkey. It was an important Lycian city in ancient times and is one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the region. Excavations here have revealed fortifications, tombs, sarcophagi and other architectural remains. The most famous of these is a sarcophagus featuring mythological scenes. Most of the ruins date from the Hellenistic era (323 BC - 31 BC) and Roman period (31 BC - 395 AD). The site is situated at an altitude of 715 m and offers a spectacular view of the valley below. It is also known as the "Eternal city of Lycia" and is a popular tourist destination. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Turkey
Prominent Features:

The Tlos Ruins in Mugla, Turkey are an incredible testament to the ancient Lycian civilization, which was one of the ancients tribes that inhabited the country. The ruins are located in the Tlos Valley, which is part of the Xanthos Valley, and are situated on a hill, surrounded by a river. Excavation at this site dates back to the 1950’s, when the site was dedicated as an archaeological site in 1969. The ruins of Tlos consist of a walled city, with a fortified acropolis at its highest point. The walled city dates back to the Archaic and Classical periods, and contains numerous other ruined structures, including the Lycian fortress, a theater, a temple, and watch towers. Excavated sections of the city have revealed many interesting artifacts, including coins, pottery, and sculptures. The architecture of the ruins is pretty impressive, and visitors can see remnants of fortifications, walls, and doorways from the original city. The ruins are also home to a wondrous array of flora and fauna, including lizards, bats, and birds, as well as a variety of wildflowers and plants. Taking a guided tour is recommended, as it will give visitors the chance to explore the vital remains of the area’s historical past. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Turkey.


The site of Tlos, known by the ancient name Tlawa, is located in southwestern Turkey, in the southwestern portion of the ancient Lycian city of Xanthos. It was occupied as early as the Late Bronze Age, and is associated with the late Roman city of Tlawa; it is sometimes referred to as the ancient city of Tlos. Tlos consists of a natural acropolis and extensive remains of Lycian buildings, including a theater, a public bath, and several houses. In medieval times it became the seat of the Principality of Tlos, an independent state. Tlos was also an important base of the Turkish border principality of Kaş, and was fortified with a castle during the Byzantine period. Tlos was the largest and most important of the ancient Lycian cities, and it is renowned for its monumental ruins. The acropolis stands on a hill overlooking the modern town of Kaş and the coastal plain. It is surrounded by a solid wall and contains several Lycian buildings, some of which date to the 5th century BCE. These include a theater, several houses, and a bath complex. The theater is exceptionally well-preserved, with stone seats, a protective superstructure, and an impressive backdrop of cliffs. The site is also noted for a number of impressive rock-cut monuments, including a small chamber tomb, a rock-cut necropolis, and several inscriptions. The inscriptions, dating back to the 5th and 4th centuries BC, include some of the oldest known examples of the Lycian language. The site of Tlos is especially important for historians because it provides a valuable background into the history of the Lycian people and their influence on the region. The site is a popular tourist destination, and it has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988. Visit one of the famous monuments of Turkey with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

: 1.The ruins of the ancient Lycian city of Tlos is located in the hills of the Xanthos valley in the Turkish province of Muğla. 2.Tlos is one of the oldest city-states in the world, with a history that dates back more than 3,500 years. 3.It was a prominent fortress, and its ruins include the remains of an amphitheater, tombs, temples, and defensive walls. 4.The Roman Empire took control of Tlos in the 1st century B.C.E., and the city was an important trading center during the Ottoman Empire. 5.The ancient ruins of Tlos are also a popular filming destination, as scenes from films such as Troy and Alexander were shot here. 6.The remains of the Greek goddess Leto, mother of Apollo and Artemis, can also be found in Tlos. 7.Although much of the city has been destroyed and now lies in ruins, numerous pieces of ancient statues have been recovered from the area, as well as many unique artifacts and carvings. One of the historical monuments of Turkey, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Turkey most popular tourist destination with us. Tlos Ruins in Mugla In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Turkey main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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