The Workers Museum, Copenhagen In Denmark: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts

Prominent Features:

1. Exhibits on Danish Working Conditions and Social History: The Workers Museum documents the social and political history of Danish life since the 19th century, using the angles of the workers, the workplace and leisure. 2. Historical Walk Through Copenhagen’s Workers Strikes: It includes various interactive audio-visual exhibits providing a journey through 3000 years of workers’ history in Denmark, including the major strikes of 1872-1888 in which Copenhagen was a key player. 3. Resources on Trade Union History: It offers a wealth of resources related to union activity in the Danish context, including pamphlets, documents, reviews and government statements. 4. Live Music and Theater Events: Several events, such as musical performances and plays, are held at The Workers Museum in an effort to engage the audience in present-day topics related to the working class. 5. Guided Tours: Guided tours of the museum, either on a single topic or through the whole range of the museum’s exhibits, are available. This national monument of Denmark portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Workers Museum in Copenhagen was initially founded in 1911 as the first museum dedicated to the industrial labor movement in Denmark. The museum was established with the intention of preserving and celebrating the history of the labor movement and industrial development in Denmark. The museum also had the aim of educating the general public about the contributions of the working classes to Danish culture and society. The museum has housed exhibitions on diverse topics such as international solidarity, the international labor movement, and the history and present of textile production in Denmark. Throughout its existence, the museum has had a permanent exhibition on workers’ rights, including the right to vote, as well as on the development of industrial production and its impacts on Danish society. The museum is open to the public with a variety of activities, such as educational programs, film screenings, and concerts. The Workers Museum underwent several restorations and improvements throughout its history, and in 2018, the museum was granted heritage status. Despite these changes, the museum has remained faithful to its mission of preserving and celebrating the history of the Danish working class. You must visit one of these historical places in Denmark on your Denmark tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Workers Museum was founded in 1920 and is the oldest museum of its kind in the world dedicated to the history of working people. 2. The museum is housed in a unique industrial building – Borgbjerg’s Kodsk, which was built in 1897 and is one of the few remaining examples of old industrial architecture in Copenhagen. 3. The museum celebrates the achievements and struggles of working-class people and has an extensive collection of artifacts and photographs that tell the story of the working life of Danish workers. 4. In addition to its historical collections, The Workers Museum also features changing exhibitions and educational activities for school children and adults. 5. Since 2014 The Workers Museum has taken part in a series of community events known as A Sunday March, during which local residents and visitors can join in singing, dancing, activities and games related to the history of the city. 6. The museum also hosts guided tours and workshops for visitors who want to learn more about the history of workers in Denmark. Visit one of the famous monuments of Denmark with your friends and family.

Explore Denmark most popular tourist destination with us. The Workers Museum, Copenhagen In Denmark: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Denmark main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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