Tabernacle Church Germany In Germany: History,Facts, & Services

Tabernacle Church Germany is a church founded in 1974 by expat American pastor, Dr. Jonathan White. Located in the heart of Berlin, it serves both local and international members, with services held in English. The church has a worship service as well as Sunday school classes, small groups, various ministries, and various outreach activities. The church seeks to show the love of Jesus to all who enter and to equip believers for a life of faith. The church's name is derived from the biblical imagery of the tabernacle, a place of temporary worship. It is often referred to as a tabernacle of faith, grace, and love. Tabernacle Church Germany It is one of the best churches in Germany which you must visit.


The Tabernacle Church was founded in 1974 on the model of the original Tabernacle Church in New York. Dr. Jonathan White, a bible scholar, was the founding pastor. His vision was to provide a place where people can come and belong, where they can experience the peace and love of Christ, and grow spiritually in a supportive environment. Tabernacle Church Germany This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Germany.


Here are some facts about the Tabernacle Church Germany In Germany: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Germany
- The Tabernacle Church is part of the International Congregations of Evangelical Baptist Churches, which oversee more than 1,300 churches worldwide. - The Tabernacle Church has over 1,000 members from over 90 countries. - The Tabernacle Church has a Bible College, "Lutheran Bible Institute and Seminary." - The Tabernacle Church participates in various regional and national church conferences and events. Tabernacle Church Germany

The Tabernacle Church offers various services, including: worship services, baptism, communion, wedding ceremonies, Sunday school classes, fellowship groups, and mission outreach. The church also offers various Bible studies, seminars, and conferences. Additionally, the church organizes special events such as concerts, movies, and retreats.This beautiful church in Germany has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Germany most popular tourist destination with us. Tabernacle Church Germany In Germany: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Germany main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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No state exists by that name in Germany. Germany

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