Royal Burial Cluster of Philip II (Cluster A) at Aegae In Greece: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a cluster of tombs located near the ancient city of Aegae, in Achaea, Greece. The cluster includes an impressive royal palace and associated tombs of the royal family of Eurydice II (wife of Philip II of Macedon) and her relatives. The tombs are believed to date back to the 4th century BC and are the oldest and finest surviving example of Macedonian royal tombs. The tombs feature impressive façades and unique interior decoration that display evidence of royal patronage and funerary ceremonies. They provide insight into the culture, rituals, and lifestyle of the Greeks during the classical period. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Greece
Prominent Features:

1. This cluster is the royal burial cluster of King Philip II of Macedon (359-336 BC) located at the ancient site of Aegae in Greece. 2. The tomb complex features a cist grave, internal chamber, and two hypogea. 3. It contains finely-crafted artifacts belonging to the king, such as a gold wreath, bronze weapons, and finely-worked ivory and gold objects. 4. It also includes a stela for which Philip sought approval from the Amphictyonic League, a religious/cultural association in Ancient Greece. 5. Cluster A was discovered in 1977 and is one of the most significant archaeological finds from the Classical period. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Greece.


The Royal Burial Cluster of Philip II is a group of tombs located at the site of the archaeological ruins of Thessalian city-state of Aegae in Central Macedonia, Greece. The tombs were discovered in 1977 and are believed to be those of Philip II (359–336 BC) and his family members. The site consists of four main tombs, as well as numerous secondary burials, which are believed to have been intended for members of the same royal family. The tombs contained a variety of artifacts and jewels that were indicative of the high status of the occupants. Inside the main tombs were found the bodies of Philip II and three other individuals that are believed to have been members of the Argead dynasty. These tombs contained numerous intricate artifacts including clothing, weapons, jewelry, and metal objects. The tombs also contained evidence of a ritual burial, which included offerings such as pottery, olive leaves, and mallow flowers placed on the bodies. The Cluster has been the subject of numerous archaeological studies since its discovery, which have provided insights into the lives of the Argead dynasty and their burial practices. Additionally, the tombs have yielded artifacts of immense historical value, such as the silver-plated golden diadem and the bronze statuette of Athena, both of which are on display in the Museum of Vergina nearby. The Royal Burial Cluster of Philip II is an important archaeological site that has offered a wealth of information about the Argead dynasty and their burial practices. The artifacts found therein have also provided insights into the wealth and status of these ancient rulers, making the site a valuable resource for students of ancient Greek history and culture. Visit one of the famous monuments of Greece with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Royal Burial Cluster of Philip II is one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Greece. 2. The cluster, discovered in 1977, is located in the ancient city of Aegae in modern-day Pieria, central Greece. 3. The tombs of Philip II and his relatives, including Alexander the Great and his father, Amyntas III, are included among the tombs of the cluster. 4. The tombs of Philip II’s wife (Olympias) and son (Alexander) were also excavated at the site. 5. The tomb of Olympias was filled with a wide variety of artifacts, indicating that she was an important figure in the royal court of the time. 6. The tombs of Philip II and his relatives were all elaborately decorated, with many decorative paintings, sculptures and objects. 7. The most famous tomb of the cluster is the one belonging to Alexander, which was decorated with a golden urn, a golden wreath, and a marble statuette of Alexander in a war chariot. 8. After the discovery of the tombs, items related to Philip II and his relatives were put on display in the Archaeological Museum of Aegae. 9. The tombs of the Royal Burial Cluster of Philip II are now considered to be some of the most important archaeological sites and artifacts in Greece. One of the historical monuments of Greece, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Greece most popular tourist destination with us. Royal Burial Cluster of Philip II (Cluster A) at Aegae In Greece: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Greece main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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