Mawaki Site In Ireland: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Mawaki Site is located in County Offaly, an area of Ireland that is renowned for its richness in archaeology, history, and culture. The site was initially discovered in 1967 and later excavated in the late 1990s. The excavated area has revealed a dense cluster of Neolithic monuments, including a henge, an earthen embankment, a ditched enclosure, and several small enclosures. These monuments, which date to around 3200 BC, were carefully built and modified throughout the Neolithic period and indicate complex rituals and traditions at the time. In addition, animal bones and pottery artifacts have been found at the site, indicating it was occupied by humans. Mawaki Site is a major archaeological and historical site in Ireland and it is one of the most important Neolithic monuments in the country. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Ireland
Prominent Features:

1. Standing Stones: The site of Mawaki is known for its standing stones, which are believed to be remnants of stone circles, burial cairns and ritual sites. Many of these stones display intricate patterns or engravings, hinting at their antiquity. 2. Portal Tomb: Mawaki features a large and unique Portal Tomb, which is one of the best-preserved tombs in Ireland. Dating to the late Neolithic period, between 4,000 and 2,000 years ago, the tomb has two large upright granite stones and two smaller capstones, one of which has intricate carvings of a sun face and a fish-like creature. 3. Cairns: Mawaki is also home to dozens of cairns, which were used as burial monuments by the megalithic people of Ireland. The cairns are stone mounds and many contain grave goods, such as pottery or metal tools, as well as human remains. 4. Rituals & Ceremonies: Many of the standing stones and cairns at Mawaki are believed to have had ritual or ceremonial significance for their builders. Ancient theories suggest that the stones were used for healing ceremonies or as offerings to the gods, but the exact purpose remains unknown. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Ireland.


Mawaki is an ancient site located near the town of Knock in Co. Mayo, Ireland. The ancient site dates back to the Iron Age, and is believed to have been a hillfort and or defended settlement. This site was likely inhabited by the Tuatha De Dannan, an ancient group of Celtic people native to Ireland. Evidence of their presence is represented by a number of stone walls which can still be seen today along with hut circles and large mounds. There is also evidence of a field system and a ditch running around the entire perimeter of the site. The site was also believed to be associated with the 5th century Saint Patrick. According to legend, St. Patrick removed the snakes from this site during one of his missionary journeys. Today, Mawaki is recognised as a heritage site. It is protected by the Irish Government for its archaeological, historical, and cultural significance. The site has also been deemed one of Ireland’s most important archaeological sites due to its early Iron Age past and associations with St. Patrick. A number of different excavations have been conducted at Mawaki and it is a highly popular tourist destination. Visit one of the famous monuments of Ireland with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Mawaki is a Neolithic site in County Meath in Ireland where archaeologists have discovered a decorated portal tomb dating back to between 4500 and 3800 BC. 2. The tomb is decorated with many notable examples of a Neolithic art form known as ‘megalithic art’. The carvings include abstract linear patterns, a series of lines which could represent a pathway or a maze, and a band of curvilinear motifs which may represent a boat or a meander. 3. Over 65 human burials have been discovered at Mawaki with some of the skeletons having been found within a kerbstone cairn. 4. This site offers a unique insight into the culture and beliefs of Neolithic Ireland and provides an excellent example of Neolithic art in the county. 5. It is one of the only Neolithic sites in Ireland where fragments of wooden structures have been discovered. These could possibly point to the use of wooden structures during the Neolithic period. One of the historical monuments of Ireland, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Ireland most popular tourist destination with us. Mawaki Site In Ireland: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Ireland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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