Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray in Mardin In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a traditional caravanserai built along the main historic trade route between Anatolia and the Middle East, located in the heart of Mardin City, which has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The caravanserai was built in 1250 by Artuklu, one of the Turkmen tribes, and served as a place for travellers and merchants to rest and trade. The caravanserai was also an important cultural centre for the region, hosting cultural activities such as theatre, musicians, storytelling and dancing. Today, it serves as a museum where visitors can learn about the city's history and the lives of the people who lived here. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Turkey
Prominent Features:

1. Grand Entrance: The grand entrance of Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray is an impressive sight. The two-storey entrance has an arched doorway and two symmetrical openings that lead into the inner courtyard. 2. Inner Courtyard: The inner courtyard of Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray is the centre of activity for visitors. There are two large archways, four minarets, and tall columns with intricate carvings. The walls of the palace are decorated with beautiful Islamic tile-work. 3. Mosaics: The floor of Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray is covered with stunning mosaic artwork. The intricate patterns create a stunning show of colour and texture. 4. Reception Room: The reception room of Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray was once used for trade and negotiation. It features a large fountain and ornately carved walls and furnishings. 5. Ovens and Fireplaces: The fireplaces and ovens in Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray are an interesting feature of the palace. The ovens were used for baking bread, and the fireplaces were used to provide heat in the colder winter months. 6. History and Culture: The walls of Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray are a reminder of its rich history. The stunning Islamic artwork and design of the palace is deeply rooted in the culture of Mardin. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Turkey.


The historic Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray was constructed in the 14th century. The massive stone-timbered complex is situated within the old town of Mardin, Turkey. The complex is an example of a Turkish kervansaray, which is a type of roadside inn and hostel used by travelers on the old Silk Road. The complex consists of three kervansaray halls, each of which contain a central courtyard, and an extensive water system. The central courtyard was originally used as a host shelter for travelers and merchants and an additional guard room was added to ensure the safety of the travelers. As the 14th century saw increased trade along the Silk Road, the kervansaray became a vital stopping point for those coming and going from Mardin. The kervansaray was important for travelers to rest and recover before continuing their journeys. The complex also provided a place to purchase food and supplies, enjoy amenities such as baths and secure storage for packs and merchandise. The most notable feature of the complex is its intricate system of aqueducts and cisterns. The massive stone-walled cistern is a testament to the engineering and technology available during this period. This system was used to collect and store rainwater which was then used for drinking and bathing. The cistern was also used to irrigate the nearby orchards and gardens. Today, the Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray is seen as a historical symbol for the city of Mardin and a reminder of the rich cultural and architectural heritage that the city holds. The complex still provides a significant role as a center for the community and a place for visitors to learn about the history and culture of Mardin. Visit one of the famous monuments of Turkey with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray is an ancient and historical set of buildings in Eastern Anatolia, located in Mardin, south-central Turkey. 2. Built in 1227, Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray was initially created as a commercial trading post from the Middle East to Central and Eastern Europe. 3. In 1517, the city of Mardin was conquered by Ottoman Sultan Selim I and the Kervansaray acted as an important trading hub in the region, where traders would cross the Tigris River on their camels. 4. The Kervansaray, which has a courtyard surrounded by a row of 26 rooms, is an important architectural artifact unique to Mardin. 5. The caravanserai became one of Mardin's most popular attractions, and was named a museum in 2012, with parts of the complex also being used as a hotel. 6. Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray is inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its cultural significance. One of the historical monuments of Turkey, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Turkey most popular tourist destination with us. Mardin Artuklu Kervansaray in Mardin In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Turkey main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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