George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection, Larnaca In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection consists of thousands of artworks spanning centuries from a wide range of countries: Egypt, Greece, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, America and China. The Pierides Collection is currently being displayed at the Municipal Gallery Hall in Larnaca, Cyprus. The permanent exhibition includes a vast range of masterpieces from paintings, sculptures and engravings, to coins and antiquities. It is the most important private museum in Cyprus and adorns its walls with artworks that range from the Hellenistic period to our modern times. The Pierides Collection is realized in a polyhedral building of 4,000 m2 which consists of 94 galleries. The works are divided into collections according to their periods, their artistic movements, and the countries they represent. The majority of the works are 19th and 20th century but also included are works of the iconic artists of the Renaissance. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Cyprus
Prominent Features:

The George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection, located in Larnaca, Cyprus, is a remarkable museum that houses artwork and sculpture from the 18th century to the present day. The museum collection includes a large variety of works by both established and lesser-known local and international artists. It features a variety of 19th century sculpture, Greek, Cypriot and Oriental art, and also has a remarkable collection of 20th century works, including painting, sculpture, graphic art, photography, installations, video art, and new media. Some of the most distinct and prominent features of the museum can be found in its vast array of sculptures, including those of Saint Lazarus, Dominikos Theotokopoulos (El Greco), and Phanourios. Other noteworthy features include three Byzantine churches from the 9th, 14th and 15th centuries, traditional Cypriot wooden furniture and tools from the 19th century, and a valuable collection of 19th century Cypriot icons. The museum also boasts an impressive array of paintings from the Rococo, Neo-classical, Academic, and Post-Impressionist movements. The George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection is one of the oldest museums in Cyprus and remains a popular tourist destination and a hub of cultural activities. Not only does it offer a unique viewing experience to visitors, but it also preserves important pieces of the region's history and culture. This national monument of Cyprus portrays the history and culture of the country.


George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides were two wealthy Cypriot citizens who started collecting antique and valuable items in the late 19th century. Throughout their lifetime, the duo collected over 3,000 items of art, furniture, coins, and books. The pair was interested in establishing and preserving a record of the families’ wealth and history of their homeland, and they invested in the preservation of the heritage of Cyprus. The couple traveled frequently and bought items from Greek, European, and Middle Eastern countries. Initially, they stocked their home with their collection, but due to the size, it soon became impossible to keep a track of everything, so they placed items in a nearby monastery, called Saint Lazarus Monastery, near the city of Larnaca. Over time, the collection grew even larger, and in order to retain the overall value of their collection, they transferred it to the Pierides Foundation. The Pierides Foundation was established in 1965, and is responsible for maintaining the records, exhibition spaces and overall archiving of the George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection. Today, the collection is home to over 11,600 items that are important in terms of the cultural and artistic heritage of Cyprus. The Pierides Foundation works with several other institutions, such as the Bank of Cyprus and the Department of Antiquities, in order to protect, research and exibit the collection. Today, the George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection is a major tourist attraction in Larnaca, and is considered one of the most important collections in the island. The collection is open to the public, and its inventory includes items from the Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Ages, including frescoes, mosaics, ceramics, coins, sculptures, jewelry, and other artwork from the Byzantine, Frankish, and Ottoman periods. You must visit one of these historical places in Cyprus on your Cyprus tour

Interesting facts:

1. The George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection is an important collection of cypriot antiquities located in Larnaca, Cyprus. 2. It features artifacts dating back to the Neolithic Era and up to the 20th century. 3. It was created by George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides, a prominent Cypriot couple, in 1914. 4. The collection has been kept intact and is now open to the public. 5. Objects from the collection have been loaned to the Louvre and other museums around the world. 6.The Giabra Pierides collection is considered to be one of the most important collections of its kind in the country. 7. The collection is housed inside a traditional residence, and visitors can explore it and learn about Cypriot history. Visit one of the famous monuments of Cyprus with your friends and family.

Explore Cyprus most popular tourist destination with us. George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection, Larnaca In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Cyprus main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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