New Destiny Ministry In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services
New Destiny Ministry is an interdenominational Christian ministry with churches and prayer centers in various locations around the world. Its mission is to empower individuals to experience salvation, renew their spirits and recreate their lives through the power of Jesus Christ.
New Destiny Ministry was founded in 1999 by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his wife Evangeline in Chennai, India. The ministry is rooted in the fundamental beliefs of Jesus Christ and His teachings. Over the years, New Destiny Ministry has grown to include churches across India, Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.
• New Destiny Ministry’s guiding message is to show the love of God to each person and to ensure everyone experiences His presence, mercy and grace.
• New Destiny Ministry is based on three core beliefs: sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, helping and encouraging others through prayer and counseling, and serving with love and compassion.
New Destiny Ministry offers a range of services for individuals who desire to know and develop a relationship with Jesus. These services include: Bible studies, spiritual counseling, healing services, prayer meetings and retreats. In addition, the ministry offers community and international outreach programs, mission trips and various disciplines of music: worship, contemporary, gospel and choir.
Explore Côte d'Ivoire most popular tourist destination with us. New Destiny Ministry In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Côte d'Ivoire main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
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New Destiny Ministry State: Florida
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New Destiny Ministry State: Florida Côte d'Ivoire