Capoeira da Mangueira, Rio de Janeiro In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Capoeira da Mangueira is one of the largest and most popular Capoeira academies in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was founded in 1977 by Mestre Peixinho, a student of Mestre Bimba. The academy teaches the traditional style of Capoeira that originated in the 1930s with the merging of several African martial arts with music and dance. At Capoeira da Mangueira, classes are offered for all ages, from children to adults, and across all skill levels. The academy is also a frequent host to monthly roda (performances) drawing students from all over the world. The ultimate goal of the academy and its Mestres (black belt instructors) is to preserve, promote, and expand the art of Capoeira. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Brazil
Prominent Features:

1. Aro: Capoeira da Mangueira is known for its intricate movements and rhythmic acrobatics, which are often accompanied by the Aro, a type of hand percussion instrument that is used to keep time and provide a syncopated beat. 2. Berimbau: The Berimbau is another essential instrument of Capoeira da Mangueira. A single-string instrument made out of a gourd, it is used to create the toe-tapping rhythms that part of the Capoeira’s unique soundscape. 3. Performance: Capoeira da Mangueira is strongly focused on performance. The group organizes shows for the public where members perform acrobatic and martial-arts-style movements alongside showcase classic moves. 4. Martial arts: Capoeira da Mangueira practitioners combine martial arts moves with dexterity and grace. Its practitioners study typical Brazilian martial arts like Jiu-Jitsu, adding kicks, take-downs, and leaps to the Capoeira repertoire. 5. Music: Music plays an important role in the performance of Capoeira da Mangueira. Participants sing, chant, and play traditional instruments like the Berimbau, drum, and tambourin during the practice. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Brazil.


Capoeira da Mangueira is a style of capoeira that originated in the favela of Mangueira in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The style was founded by Grandmaster Contramestre Maurão in the early 1950s. This style emphasizes exceptionally fast acrobatics and complex, flashy moves with low stances. Its training focuses on speed, strength, flexibility, body control, pressure maneuvers, and precision. It is credited with the creation of coordinated group acrobatics in the Capoeira world. Maurão initially practiced Capoeira Angola as a student of Mestre Pastinha and Mestre Bimba, two of the founding figures in Capoeira. After taking influence from other styles, and stylizing their own with elements such as cartwheels, Aurão founded what is now known as Capoeira da Mangueira. Since then, the style has become significant to the region and has grown in popularity due to impressive demonstrations and movies such as "Only the Strong ", "City of God" and "Elite Squad". Today, Capoeira da Mangueira is an art form practiced around the world, with teams located in Europe, Asia, North and South America. It is practiced within the rules and customs that have been established by Grandmaster "Maurão" and later Maurão's successor, Grandmaster "Paulo Nascimento". It is a combination of the traditional components of capoeira that includes singing, playing of instruments, history, and philosophy mixed with acrobatics and athletic movements of its own. It is a style that is much appreciated in Brazil, with fans coming from all classes and regions. Visit one of the famous monuments of Brazil with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Founded in 1953, Capoeira da Mangueira is one of Rio de Janeiro's most traditional capoeira groups. 2. The group is named after Rio's favela of the same name, located in the neighborhood of Andaraí. 3. The group's mestre (teacher) is Mestre João Grande, a highly respected and experienced capoeira master. 4. Capoeira da Mangueira stands out for its blend of traditional and modern styles of capoeira. Mestre João Grande has blended traditional moves with more modern techniques. 5. In addition to the Capoeira, the group teaches afro-Brazilian martial arts such as maculelê, cocada preta, and batuque. 6. The group also has its own soccer team that competes in Rio's amateur soccer leagues. 7. The group is well known for its creative fight sequences, which feature an array of complex and choreographed maneuvers, and are set to traditional capoeira music. One of the historical monuments of Brazil, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Capoeira da Mangueira, Rio de Janeiro In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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