Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo, also known as Sé Cathedral, is the seat of the Archdiocese of São Paulo and one of the most iconic monuments of the city. Located downtown facing one of the busiest avenues of the city, its construction began in 1913 and finished in 1954. Its modernist towers inspired by Greek-Roman architecture save an amazing panoramic view of the entire city. Having the word of God is at the heart of the Cathedral, 24 prayer chapels spread around the monument adopted messages directly taken from the bible, making it a true symbol of faith for the people of São Paulo. The Cathedral stands out for its white marble interior and the impressive stained-glass windows that are spread around the aller. The glass panels illustrate the life of Jesus, personalities from the bible and the prayer of Our Lady Aparecida. It is also home to the 12 statues of the apostles, placed at the aisle of the main nave, and the imposing organ that was brought from Germany and has 4,500 pipes spread around two galleries. The Cathedral Metropolitana de São Paulo is among the most important and influential centers of Catholic faith in the country. Every year thousands of people visit the monument to admire its architectural beauty and pray in the sacred area filled with bible verses. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Brazil
Prominent Features:

1. a. Neo-Gothic style – The cathedral is a prime example of Neo-Gothic architecture and includes some Renaissance elements. 2. b. gargoyles – The cathedral contains intricate stone carvings, including grotesque stone gargoyles and magnificent stained-glass windows. 3. c. rose window – The cathedral’s most impressive feature is its great rose window, located on the west facade, which measures 24 meters in diameter, making it one of the largest rose windows in the world. 4. d. sky-high spires – The Cathedral also includes two spires that reach a height of 95 meters. 5. e. Tower of the North Bell – These two spires are punctuated by a bell tower that reaches a height of 70 meters. The tower is home to three bells that are rung occasionally during religious ceremonies or other occasions. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Brazil.


The Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo, commonly known as the São Paulo Metropolitan Cathedral, is a Baroque-style Roman Catholic cathedral located in downtown São Paulo, Brazil. The construction of the Cathedral began in 1822 and was finally completed in 1967, although some chapels and other details were added over time to the facade, annexes and interior. The cathedral's design was heavily influenced by Italian Baroque masters such as Facchinelli and Mario Roberto and was the largest religious construction project Brazil had ever seen. The church is built in the shape of a cross measuring 12,000 square meters. It has seven aisles, four towers, and a large central dome with a diameter of 40 meters. The construction of the cathedral was overseen by seven successive archbishops, beginning with D. Diogo Antônio Feijó who initiated the project. Construction was undertaken between 1822 and 1875 by the architect José de Figueiredo and his pupil Antonio de Figueiredo. The entirety of the project cost an incredible 42,000 contos (which was equivalent to 7 billion reais in contemporary currency). Today the Cathedral is an important place of worship, pilgrimage and gatherings for several important Mennonite and Catholic celebrations in Brazil. It has been celebrated for its beauty, grandeur and large space, which has allowed it to host large national and international events. In 2006 it was registered as an official World Heritage Site by the Ministry of Culture of Brazil. Visit one of the famous monuments of Brazil with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1.The Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo is a Roman Catholic cathedral in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. It is the seat of the Archdiocese of São Paulo and was built in 1954 to replace an older church. 2. It is the largest Neo-Gothic church in South America and one of the most important historical monuments in São Paulo. 3.The cathedral is dedicated to the namesake and patron saint of the city, St. Paul of Tarsus. 4.The structure was built over four decades and it is the second-largest temple of the Catholic Church in Brazil. 5.The exterior of the church is made of granite and its six monumental towers measure 112 meters tall, almost twice the height of São Paulo’s Cathedral of Our Lady. 6.The Catedral Metropolitana is also home to the bronze image of Our Lady of Sorrosa, the patron saint of Brazil. 7.The cathedral can accommodate up to 4,000 people and hosts religious festivals and major events in the city. 8.The building also contains works of art, including a massive Pietà, carved from Italian white marble, and a mosaic depicting the Last Supper. One of the historical monuments of Brazil, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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