Bridges International Church In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services


is a non-denominational church located in Campinas, Brazil founded in 2012. It is a church in the Pentecostal tradition, focusing mainly on worship and outreach ministries. The church is committed to helping their community strengthen and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. They offer various activities and ministries that aim to bring people closer to God. This includes weekly teaching services, small groups, children’s and youth outreach and evangelism, counseling services, and even language classes to help those that may not be native to Brazil. It is one of the best churches in Brazil which you must visit.


1. Bridges International Church was founded in 1992 in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. 2. The church is non-denominational and has over 2,500 members. 3. The mission of the church is to reach out to diverse groups in the city, help them grow in their Christian faith and reach their full potential in their God-given identity. 4. The church offers small group bible studies, Sunday services, service projects, children and youth programs, seminars and retreats. 5. The church has a worship band, full choir, dance ministry, and media ministry. 6. In 2018, Bridges International Church launched a mission in the city of Porto Alegre. 7. Since its founding, Bridges International Church has been committed to reaching out to those in need throughout Brazil, with a commitment to the marginalized and disadvantaged. 8. The church is currently carrying out relief efforts for poverty-stricken families in São Paulo due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Here are some facts about the Brazil Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Brazil


1. Worship Services: Regular Sunday worship services as well as special worship services for special celebrations. 2. Bible Study: Regular Bible studies that include verse-by-verse teaching and small group discussion. 3. Counseling: Professional counseling session to assist individuals and families facing difficult life challenges. 4. Intensive Training: Emphasis on personal growth and development, through intensive training classes in areas such as discipleship, evangelism, and biblical teaching. 5. Community Outreach: Participation in local community outreach events and initiatives, including evangelism, volunteering, and leading short-term mission trips. 6. International Missions: Bridge International Church is involved with international mission work, and short-term mission trips around the world. 7. Financial Assistance: Assistance with financial needs of individuals and families in the local community, as well as across Brazil. This beautiful church in Brazil has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Bridges International Church In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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