Brazil Church of the Nazarene In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services


The Church of the Nazarene first arrived in Brazil in 1917 when Rev. Fia L. Maxwell, a Canadian minister, was invited to establish the church there. From that first mission, the church has grown to an estimated 550 churches with 200,000 members and followers throughout the country. The Church of the Nazarene in Brazil is affiliated with the Brazillian Congregational Church, a denomination of Pentecostal-style churches, as well as the Church of the Nazarene in the USA. The denomination is strongly committed to social service and evangelism and strives to maintain an openness to all forms of Christian expression and diversity. The Church of the Nazarene in Brazil emphasizes discipleship, personal and public holiness, and carries a strong missional mandate. The church seeks to reach out to those in need in Brazil and beyond through its outreach arm, the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. The denomination has developed several disaster- response initiatives, including disaster-relief centers, local and international partnerships, and an active presence of congregations and clergy throughout Brazil. It is one of the best churches in Brazil which you must visit.


1. The Church of the Nazarene is a Wesleyan-holiness denomination of evangelical Christianity. 2. The Church of the Nazarene first began in Brazil in 1936, and has grown to 209 organized churches and congregations as of 2021. 3. The church has grown significantly over the past decade, now having over 172,000 members, making it the sixth largest Protestant denomination and seventh largest overall denomination in the country. 4. The church in Brazil also runs an annual Bible school and offers training for its pastors and evangelists. 5. In Brazil, the Church of the Nazarene has a special emphasis on Mission work and has planted churches all over Latin America. 6. The Brazilian district is part of the Seventy-One World Mission, which helps fund mission projects in other countries around the world. Here are some facts about the Brazil Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Brazil


The Brazil Church of the Nazarene is a Christian organization dedicated to proclaiming the hope of Jesus through its ministry. The church has a variety of services for its members and the local community. * Sunday morning worship services in Portuguese * Bible studies * Small groups * Vacation Bible School * Gatherings for adults and youth * Celebrate Recovery meetings * Outreach programs * Service projects for the local area * Prayer meetings * The Door of Hope, a program for women in crisis * Pre-marital counseling * Grief recovery workshops * Community seminars on various topics such as marriage, money management, and addiction This beautiful church in Brazil has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Brazil Church of the Nazarene In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

  1. City:


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    The Church of the Nazarene in Brazil is found in most of the major cities, including Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Goiânia, Manaus, Recife, and Salvador.

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The Church of the Nazarene in Brazil is found in most of the major cities, including Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Goiânia, Manaus, Recife, and Salvador. Brazil

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