The Zion Apostolic Church In Botswana: History,Facts, & Services

The Zion Apostolic Church is a Christian denomination that emphasizes faithfulness, charity, and holiness. The church was founded in 1887 by Bishop Simon Peter Lowry in Yanceyville, North Carolina. History The Zion Apostolic Church was founded in 1887 by Bishop Simon Peter Lowry. Lowry was a former African-American member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church who left due to differences with the denomination's leadership. He felt unable to fully express his faith with the methods and teachings of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion and so he began his own church. The Zion Apostolic Church was initially founded with the mission of cultivating religious and educational endeavors among African-Americans in the South. To this day, the church still has a large presence in North Carolina and Virginia, and also serves congregants throughout the United States and abroad. Facts • The Zion Apostolic Church is a member of the National Primitive Apostolic Church and uses the King James Version of the Bible. • The Church currently has several thousand members. • The church is known for its frequent camp meetings, including an annual three-day retreat in North Carolina. Services The Zion Apostolic Church serves its members in many ways. The church offers Sunday school, Bible study, and spiritual counseling. The church is also active in the community, working with schools to help promote Christian values. At local and national camps, the church promotes values such as evangelism, youth development, and social justice. The church also runs food banks, tutoring programs, and free health clinics.

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