Korean Church In Botswana: History,Facts, & Services

Korean Church is the collective name used to describe the diverse forms of Christianity practiced in South Korea, particularly Protestantism. Korean Church History traces its roots to the early 1900s when Protestant missionaries first set foot in the area. The first Protestant church in Korea was established in 1907 and since then the Church has grown steadily. In 2006, South Korea was the second largest contributor to global mission efforts and is estimated to have over 11 million Protestant adherents. Korean Church Facts include the fact that an estimated 11 million Christians make up approximately 25.8 percent of the population of South Korea. Protestant denominations, such as Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptist, Pentecostals, Non-denominational, and Seventh Day Adventists make up the majority of the Christian population in South Korea. Korean Church Services are typically similar to Protestant services found in the United States and include singing and praise, prayers, congregational reading of Scripture, preaching, preparing the Lord’s Supper and Christian fellowship. Additionally, some churches may include traditional Korean elements such as ancestor veneration rituals and Confucian teaching. Services are conducted in Korean, although some churches offer simultaneous translation into English.

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