Big Home Ministries(Botswana) In Botswana: History,Facts, & Services

Big Home Ministries (Botswana) is a faith-based Christian charity organization that provides spiritual and practical assistance to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities in Botswana. It was founded in 2006 as a way to respond to the growing needs of the local people. The organization offers a variety of services and activities such as educational support, food aid, medical assistance and pastoral counseling in rural areas of Botswana. It is one of the best churches in Botswana which you must visit.


Big Home Ministries (Botswana) has its roots in a church outreach program that was started in South Africa in 1998 by the late Dr. Leon Bester. After the work in South Africa, Dr. Bester and his colleagues decided to extend their services to Botswana to help address the extreme poverty and lack of basic services in the country. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Botswana.


Here are some facts about the Big Home Ministries(Botswana) In Botswana: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Botswana
- Big Home Ministries (Botswana) currently employ 12 full-time staff and several local volunteers - They operate four stations in different areas: Ghanzi, Gote, Tsabong and Makuleke, Botswana - Big Home Ministries (Botswana) has impacted thousands of people, providing them with a variety of important services such as medical assistance, food aid and education support - The organization has been awarded multiple grants from various international organizations, including USAID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

- Education Support: Big Home Ministries (Botswana) provides educational support programs, scholarships and mentoring programs to ensure that children and young adults have access to quality education. - Food Aid: The organization distributes monthly food aid to vulnerable families in need. - Medical Assistance: Big Home Ministries (Botswana) provides medical assistance to the underprivileged in rural areas of Botswana, including medical checkups, medications, treatments and hospital stay. - Pastoral Counseling: Big Home Ministries (Botswana) offers spiritual counseling, recovery-based support and prayer services for individuals struggling with addiction and depression.This beautiful church in Botswana has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Botswana most popular tourist destination with us. Big Home Ministries(Botswana) In Botswana: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Botswana main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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