Zhemgang Dzong In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Zhemgang Dzong is an ancient fortress located in Zhemgang District in southeastern Bhutan. Built in the 17th century, Zhemgang Dzong is considered the oldest Dzong in Bhutan and is a protected monument. It is listed as a Historic Site in Bhutan. The Dzong is still in use as a fort and monastery and is home to monks who reside at the monastery throughout the year. The property is located in a beautiful forested area, surrounded by mountains with views of the Zhemgang Valley. The Dzong includes a tower, courtyards, shrines, a temple, and other traditional structures, as well as a library and several museums. The entire property is managed by the Zhemgang Dzong Director and is open to visitors. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

1. Lhakhang Chenmo (Grand Temple): The Grand Temple of Lhakhang Chenmo is one of the most important sacred sites of Zhemgang Dzong in the rural Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. It is home to both Buddhist and Bonpo sacred traditions, and visitors can take part in several ceremonial rituals conducted within its walls. 2. Art Gallery: Located across the courtyard from the Grand Temple is Zhemgang’s art gallery, which displays traditional Bhutanese religious art. 3. Watchetse Bonpo Monastery: This monastery is dedicated to the Bonpo tradition and offers visitors several activities, from drumming to divination. 4. Nature Templ: Located near the Grand Temple, the Nature Templ consists of natural stone monoliths and shrines, and is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists. 5. Natural Springs: Surrounding the Watchetse Bonpo Monastery are several natural springs, which are believed to contain sacred healing waters. 6. Himalayan Viewpoints: There are several picturesque viewpoints in Zhemgang Dzong that offer breathtaking views of the Himalayas, including Mt. Everest. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Zhemgang Dzong is a dzong in Zhemgang District located in Bhutan. Located at an elevation of 1300 meters it was built in 1636 by Pemala Gyaltsen, the fourth Druk Desi or ruler of Bhutan. It was damaged during an earthquake in 1897, and then rebuilt under the reign of the third Druk Desi, Jigme Namgyel in 1859. Originally, Zhemgang Dzong was the administrative fortress-citadel of the Zhemgang district. It was a key administrative centre for controlling the southern part of Eastern Bhutan. Additionally, the dzong was used as a strategic defence point against the advancing British forces from India in the 18th century. Following the Royal Decree of 2007, Zhemgang Dzong was officially declared a National Monument and is open to the public as a museum. Today, the dzong is surrounded by a traditional Bhutanese scroll painting. Inside, there is a 300-ft main tower known as the Itiyang Medfal. Additionally, the dzong houses a library and a chapel. Visitors can also explore the fortress walls, dungeons, and gompas. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Zhemgang Dzong is one of the oldest fortress of Bhutan, dating back to the 13th century. 2. It is located in the Zhemgang District, bordering India and Assam to the south. 3. The Dzong is situated above a steep hillock and overlooks the Pochu river. 4. The main gate of the dzong is a massive structure, guarded by two massive wooden doors. 5. It houses the sacred relics of the bugyal lhamo deity and is visited by devotees from surrounding villages on auspicious occasions. 6. The Dzong was damaged during an earthquake in the 1950s and the people of the district restored it. 7. It is home to sacred manuscripts, ritual objects and historical artifacts owned by the present Trongsa Penlop or "lord of the province". 8. There are four administrative halls within the dzong, and the annual festival or Tsechu is held here every June. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

Explore Bhutan most popular tourist destination with us. Zhemgang Dzong In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bhutan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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