Tango Monastery In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Tango Monastery is a Buddhist monastery in Bhutan and a significant spiritual center for the people of the country. The monastery, located in the valley of Paro, is one of the sacred sites in Bhutan and the temple of the Lam Rim lineage. It is located on a hill in the Tashi Choling area. The main deity of the temple is Shakyamuni, and the temple is also home to many other statues and art objects related to the Buddhadharma. Tango monastery is a training center for the young monks of Bhutan, and its complex also serves as a venue for monastic rituals. The main annual event held at the monastery is the Tshechu festival that is held in the eight-day monastic tradition. The temple also serves as a popular tourist destination in the region. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

1. Courtyard and courtyard with central temple: The Tango Monastery in Bhutan is home to a large, central temple, surrounded by an enclosed courtyard. The temple is grand and imposing, often featuring intricate wall paintings and colorful decorations. 2. Main Assembly Hall and Other Halls: The main assembly hall, known as the dzong, is one of the main buildings of the Tango Monastery. It is oval in shape, and houses a central throne and an ornate altar. The other buildings within the monastery complex contain meditation cells, monks' bedrooms, reading halls, and storage space for manuscripts and ritual items. 3. Residential Quarters: The Tango Monastery also provides living quarters for the monks. The residential quarters are divided into two sections: the inner and the outer courtyards. The inner courtyard includes the main assembly hall, monks' bedrooms, meditation cells, and a dining room. Meanwhile, the outer courtyard provides the entrance to the inner courtyard, and includes small kitchen houses and animal stables. 4. Exterior of Temple: The exterior of the temple is dominated by a large, slanting roof, adorned with a gold finial. Around it are tall, slender buttresses and intricate carvings, providing an imposing view of the complex from afar. 5. Tower of the Five Buddhas: Embellishing the Tango Monastery is the Tower of the Five Buddhas, which is constructed in the form of a three-story pagoda. It contains an idol of the Amitabha Buddha and sculptures of four other Buddhas who are associated with various directions, as well as a large stupa at its center. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Tango monastery is located in the city of Thimphu in Bhutan and was founded in 12th century by Gyaltse Nyingma Pema Lingpa. This monastery is filled with history and is the most important teaching and practice centre for followers of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. It is also the main seat of the religious and cultural head of the Nyingma school, known as the Je Khenpo, and home to some of the greatest teachers and scholars of Buddhist thought. Tango Monastery is known for its magnificent architecture and setting, spread across a range of 13 temples, monasteries and ancient meditation caves. It is said that the foundation of the main temple laid in 12th century by Minling Jigme Gonpo. The monastery is renowned for preserving many of the rare manuscripts and thangkas and for imparting the Tibetan Buddhist teachings for many generations now. It is believed that Guru Rinpoche visited this place and blessed the site before he continued on his journey to zangla Paro. It is said that terton in the past the Drukpa Kagyu school’s vinaya, the code of religious discipline, were studied here. The Tango Monastery was also once known as “Tango Buddhist Institute”, because it was the major centre of Buddhist study in the region. Tango Monastery today is visited by many tourists and locals alike, to explore this unique embodiment of Bhutanese culture and tradition. Except for nomadic monks, Tango Monastery is the home to more than 200 monks who practice philosophy, meditation and chanting. The premises are open to visitors and are filled with statues, murals and coracles meant for prayer. Tango Monastery has a rich history and cultural significance which makes it an important part of Bhutanese culture. It not only acts as a learning center for Buddhism but also serves as a place of religious devotion and spiritual intellect. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Tango Monastery in Bhutan is an ancient and important Buddhist site where the first Buddhist school was established by Lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa in the 12th century. 2. Tango Monastery is a prominent seat of the Drukpa Kagyu School of Buddhism. 3. It is the site of one of the greatest monastic universities and holds deep spiritual importance to Buddhists all over the world. 4. Tango Monastery was also witnessed of a reign of terror and destruction during the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal period in 1637. 5. The monastery was partially destroyed and looted leaving behind many ancient relics and Buddha statues. 6. This Buddhist monastery overlooks the beautiful Paro Valley and is perched atop a hill, making it a must-see attraction in Bhutan. 7. Tango Monastery gradually regained its popularity and glory in the late 20th century, after it was renovated and Guru Padmasambhava’s statue was established. 8.Tango Monastery hosts various events and festivals during the month of March and yearly, to commemorate the life of Guru Padmasambhava. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

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