Chorten Kora In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Chorten Kora is an ancient pilgrimage site in central Bhutan. Located in the eastern part of the country, Chorten Kora is believed to have been built by Ngawang Chogyal, a Tibetan Lama, during the 17th century. The site is a whitewashed stupa set among a large field of mani stones, and it is considered one of the most sacred sites in Bhutan. Every year, thousands of devout Buddhists visit Chorten Kora to take part in the two-day Tshechu festival, which includes chanting, dancing, and activities to raise money for local charities. The site is also home to a large painting of Guru Rinpoche, a central figure in Tibetan Buddhism. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

1. Unique Structure: The most prominent feature of Chorten Kora is its unique structure, which is a combination of stupa and chorten-style design elements. It is said to be a representation of the Tibetan mandala. 2. White Walls: The main structure of Chorten Kora is composed of white walls and passes connecting them. The walls are decorated with different images of deities and symbols of the Buddhist religion. 3. Outer and Inner Prayers Wheels: There are four outer prayer wheels set along the four walls, each representing the elements of earth, water, fire and air. The inner prayer wheels spin on an axis and are inscribed with the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”. 4. Vajrayana Monastery: Located adjacent to the Chorten Kora is the magnificent Vajrayana monastery. This monastery houses several monks who are ordained and guided by their master. 5. Annual Festival: Every year, a large religious festival is held at Chorten Kora to commemorate the life of Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava, who is credited with introducing Buddhism to Bhutan. The festival is attended by thousands of devotees and locals in a colorful celebration of Buddhist teachings and culture. 6. Migratory Birds: The Chorten Kora area is a perfect spot for watching migratory birds. A large number of these birds can be found nesting here during the winter months. The area is also known for its diverse flora and fauna. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Chorten Kora is one of the most prominent religious sites and landmarks in Bhutan, located in the Trashi Yangtse district of Bhutan. It is believed to have been built in the 18th century by Lama Ngawang Loday, who was appointed by the king of Bhutan, Jigme Namgyal. The stupa is built in the shape of a conch and it is known to be built atop an ancient ritual site. The chorten is dedicated to the local drukpa lama, Ngawang Chhogay and his family, from whom much of the local population is descended. Every year during the second month of the Bhutanese lunar calendar, a festival, known as the Kora Festival, is held at Chorten Kora. During the festival, devotees perform circumambulations of the stupa and pay homage to the lama. Chorten Kora is believed to have the power to ward off disease and other misfortunes, and to bring luck to those who visit. The grounds around the stupa are littered with multicolored Buddhist prayer flags. It is a popular spot for local and international pilgrims and tourists alike, and is regarded as a place of national pride and importance. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Chorten Kora is a Buddhist stupa located in Trashiyangtse, Bhutan that stands approximately 200 feet tall. 2. Chorten Kora was constructed in 1740 by Lama Ngawang Loday, a Bhutanese monk. 3. The main purpose of the structure was to subdue a local demon, Ma Karmi. 4. It is a popular pilgrimage site, with hundreds of pilgrims coming to the stupa annually to circumambulate it. 5. It is widely believed that circumambulating the stupa brings good fortune and health to the devotees. 6. Chorten Kora is made of locally produced stone and wood and features intricate gold-painted statues. 7. Every year, Chorten Kora Festival takes place during which offerings are made by local devotees. 8. The stupa’s walls feature beautiful artwork depicting aspects of the Buddhist faith. 9. Bhutanese says that as it is believed that Ma Karmi resides around the area, lighting butter lamps around it can keep her at bay. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

Explore Bhutan most popular tourist destination with us. Chorten Kora In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bhutan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Trashiyangtse Bhutan

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