Tundavala Fissure - Lubango In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Tundavala Fissure - Lubango In Angola is a remarkable geological feature located in the region of Huíla Province of Angola. It is a deep fissure that runs east to west along the top of the Tundavala Massif in the Huila region of Angola. Its walls are steep slopes of basalt rock, and it ranges from 8 to 12 meters deep. It is known to be one of the most outstanding geological features in the country, as it provides an almost vertical drop. It is a great spot for tourists and visitors to get a view of the vast majority of the city of Lubango which is nestled in the distance. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Angola
Prominent Features:

1. Approx. 350 km long - The Tundavala Fissure is a 350 km long rift valley which runs in a south to north direction through the Angolan province of Huíla. 2. Magnificent View - Tundavala provides an awe-inspiring view of the vast and untamed landscape from an elevation of 2,000 m. 3. Reserved For Nature - This region is home to some of the most impressive rock formations in Angola which have been carefully preserved as part of a nature reserve. 4. Wildlife Abundance - Tundavala is notably rich in animal and plant life. Some of the species that can be found here are the mountain zebra, African wildcat, wild dog, and several primates. 5. Unique Flora - The fissure is host to an incredibly diverse array of microflora, such as rare orchids and giant African milkweed. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Angola.


The Tundavala Fissure is an immense natural cleft located near the town of Lubango in Angola. It is one of the most spectacular examples of a narrow natural gorge in the world. The fissure is triangular in shape, and has a height of about 3,000 feet and a length of 40 km. In 1634, Portuguese explorers became the first Europeans to Encounter the Tundavala Fissure. They were captivated by the breathtaking natural beauty of the canyon, remarking that "it was almost impossible to speak of its beauty without epic hyperbole." The Portuguese named the gorge after their leader's surname, Fissure de Tunda Vail. In the early 1900s, the Tundavala Fissure became the focal point of a civil war between the Portuguese colonial forces and local anti-colonial rebel groups. In the ensuing battles, the area was threatened with destruction due to the fighting, but luckily the conflict was successfully resolved and the canyon was left intact. The Tundavala Fissure is now enjoyed by visitors and locals alike as one of the most stunning endemic landscapes in Angola. The area has become an important part of nature conservation efforts, recognized as a key biodiversity area by UNESCO and a natural biosphere reserve. Today, visitors to the Tundavala Fissure can view numerous endemic animal species such as the black mamba and spotted hyena, as well as birds and reptiles in their natural environments. They can also explore parts of the canyon by taking part in various rock climbing activities on the canyon walls. It has become one of the top tourist attractions in Angola and a must-see site for many travelers. Visit one of the famous monuments of Angola with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Tundavala Fissure (also known as the Lubango rift) is an approximately 100 km-long rift valley located between Lubango and Lomalungo in Angola's Huíla Province. 2. The site is well known for its spectacular views: the valley, surrounded by steep green mountains, and an abundance of red-granite outcrops. 3. The area is known for its dramatic rock formations, including togues, overhangs and arches. 4. The region is part of the Portuguese Colonial Heritage of Angola and is a popular spot for hiking and bird-watching. 5. Visitors to the area can enjoy spectacular views over the valley when hiking along several trails that are available. 6. The region is home to a variety of unique fauna and flora, making it a popular spot for ecotourism. 7. In August every year, the Tundavala Fissure hosts a music and culture festival that attracts tourists from all over the world. One of the historical monuments of Angola, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Angola most popular tourist destination with us. Tundavala Fissure - Lubango In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Angola main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    The Tundavala Fissure is located in the city of Lubango, in the province of Huíla in Angola.

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The Tundavala Fissure is located in the city of Lubango, in the province of Huíla in Angola. Angola

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