The Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier - Luanda In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a memorial located in the capital of Angola, Luanda, honoring all of those who have died in the Angolan Civil War and other Angolan conflicts since Angola gained independence in 1975. The monument is also known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The monument consists of a gray granite obelisk, surrounded by a ring of stones, representing the fallen warriors. On the obelisk is inscribed the words, "In memory of those who sacrificed their lives for their homeland." On the ground next to the obelisk is a plaque with the words, "The nation will never forget our heroes." The monument was erected in 2000 and serves as a reminder of the brutality of war and the sacrifices made by the people of Angola. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Angola
Prominent Features:

The Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier is a prominent landmark located in the city of Luanda in Angola. The monument consists of a marble tomb, with four columns around it that bear the names of all of the nations of Angola and a star-shaped memorial in front of it. The gravesite pays tribute to all of the unknown soldiers who died defending the Angolan independence. The monument was erected in 1988, and it has become a symbol of the Angolan struggle for independence. The monument is a popular destination for visitors to Luanda, and it serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the people of Angola to gain their independence. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Angola.


The Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier is located in Luanda, Angola, and is dedicated to unknown soldiers killed in the Angolan War of Independence (1961-1975). It was constructed in 1991 in tribute to the bravery of anonymous soldiers who fought for Angola’s independence, and has since become one of the city’s most iconic monuments. Angola fought for independence from Portugal during the War of Liberation from 1961-1975. Many of the veterans of this war are buried in the Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier. The monument includes the remains of 21 soldiers sealed into a metal box and placed at the top of a seven-meter tall stone plinth. Atop the stone plinth is an arch with an eternal flame and a flagpole, atop which the Angolan and Portuguese flags fly together. The Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier has become a powerful symbol of Angolan patriotism, and has inspired many cultural events and movements in the city. In addition, it is known to attract thousands of visitors each year, including international dignitaries and heads of state. The Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier remains a testament to the sacrifices made for The War of Liberations and the importance of honoring and remembering those who passed away during that time. It is a proud symbol of Angolan remembrance and triumph, and its eternal flame will continue to burn forever as a symbol of freedom and hope. Visit one of the famous monuments of Angola with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier is located in Luanda in Angola and was erected in the year 1975. 2. It is a memorial dedicated to the many Angolan soldiers who lost their lives during Angola's long civil war. 3. It is a granite mausoleum with an obelisk mounted on top and surrounded by palm trees. 4. The epitaph reads "Aqui jazem os heroes desconhecidos guerrilheiros que lutaram incansavelmente pela libertacao da patria" which translates to "Here lie the unknown hero guerrillas who fought tirelessly for the liberation of the homeland". 5. The monument stands 8.5 metres tall and is believed to have been built with the sand of a slave graveyard taken from the beach of Luanda. 6. It serves as a reminder of the countless hours of suffering and struggle endured during the civil war. 7. Each November 10th, two Army personnel guard the monument during a special ceremony honoring the fallen soldiers of the nation. One of the historical monuments of Angola, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Angola most popular tourist destination with us. The Monument of the Grave of Unknown Soldier - Luanda In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Angola main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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