Church of Nossa Senhora do Livramento - Cuanza Sul In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Nossa Senhora do Livramento - Cuanza Sul in Angola is a Roman Catholic Church located in Cuanza Sul Province. This church was built in the late 19th century and is dedicated to Our Lady of Deliverance. The bell tower of the church is considered to be a national landmark and is a major attraction for tourists. The church is known for its appealing architecture and is an important part of the local culture. The church is attended by locals who have been going to this church for generations to receive the sacrament of confirmation, baptism and other ceremonies. The church also serves as a gathering place for those seeking to celebrate special occasions or for important meetings. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Angola
Prominent Features:

* Dormant volcano made of basaltic rock * Built in 1745 * Baroque architectural style * White limestone façade * Two towers at the entrance * Three altars * Statues of Jesus, Mary, and Joachim * Frescoes in the nave * Various Baroque paintings * Large organ * Historical graveyard You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Angola.


The Church of Nossa Senhora do Livramento is a Roman Catholic church in Cuanza Sul, Angola. It was founded in 1691 by Franciscan missionaries who arrived in Angola from Portugal. The church is a key example of Portuguese Baroque architecture, with ornate carvings, frescoes, and sculptures inlaid with ivory and gold. It was damaged during the civil war that began in 1975, but it was restored in 2000. The church now serves as a source of spiritual guidance and community outreach in the area. The Church of Nossa Senhora do Livramento is also a site of historical importance and a popular tourist attraction. Visit one of the famous monuments of Angola with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Church of Nossa Senhora do Livramento is located in Cazengo, Cuanza Sul in Angola. 2. It was constructed in 1856 and is dedicated to the patron saint of Angola, Nossa Senhora do Livramento. 3. The church is the biggest in Cuanza Sul, with a length of 36 meters and a width of 17 meters. 4. It was built in Baroque style with elements in Gothic and Native African art. 5. The church features details such as frescoes, sculptures made by the natives and the altarpiece, which is a great work of art. 6. It was declared as a National Monument in Angola in November 1999 by Decree No. 28. One of the historical monuments of Angola, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Angola most popular tourist destination with us. Church of Nossa Senhora do Livramento - Cuanza Sul In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Angola main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Cuanza Sul Angola

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