Grande Mosque of Constantine, Constantine In Algeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Grande Mosque of Constantine is a landmark mosque situated in Constantine, the largest city in Algeria. This impressive structure was constructed in 1070 and is a prominent example of Islamic architecture from the medieval period in North Africa and the Islamic world. The mosque is noted for its elaborate decoration and intricate inscription, which includes passages from the Quran. The mosque is open to people of all faiths and provides insight into the history and culture of the region. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Algeria
Prominent Features:

The Grande Mosque of Constantine, also known as the Mosque of Sidi M'Ched-Cheikh is a historic mosque located in the city of Constantine in Algeria. It is the largest and most impressive religious monument in the city. The mosque is constructed with white stones, and its minaret is notable for its elegant Mudejar style. The mosque's many arches, columns, and friezes demonstrate a mix of Ottoman and Berber styles. The courtyard of the mosque is surrounded by a portico, and it houses a square fountain with four jets. Inside, the prayer hall is divided into five aisles by four rows of columns, and the mihrab is decorated with marble and sculpted elements. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Algeria.


The Grande Mosque of Constantine, or the Grand Mosque of Qaydāsūn (القيداسون), is located in the Algerian city of Constantine. The construction of the mosque, which is now one of the largest in Algeria, first began in 706 during the Umayyad dynasty, and has been repeatedly renovated over its life. The exterior is composed of a large dome and four minarets that stand 59 metres high. This is one of the most recognizable mosques in Algeria and links the city to its past. In 1971 the mosque was declared a national monument and it has since been an important symbol of Algerian culture and identity. The mosque was built as a single open yard in the year 706 AD, during the rule of the Umayyad Caliphate, and it continued to operate for centuries as a modest mosque before starting major renovations and reconstruction in the late 19th century. In the 19th century according to Ottoman Empire documents and inscriptions found at the entrance to the mosque, the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II commissioned a major renovation of the building and provided funds for its reconstruction in 1890. He also made a few changes to the architecture of the mosque, like subtracting the sabil and making changes to the muqarnas design of the mihrab. The mosque continued to undergo different renovations, including a second major one beginning in 1943 and ending in 1975 with funds provided by the Algerian government. During this renovation the interior was embellished with additional decorations, and the minarets, walls, and windows were all given a more modern, colorful motif. Today, the mosque is an important cultural symbol of Algeria, the city of Constantine, and the Islamic architecture of the region. It is an important center of worship and is visited by many who come to learn about the Algerian culture and experience the beauty of the mosque and its unique design. Visit one of the famous monuments of Algeria with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Grande Mosque of Constantine, also known as the Constantine Grand Mosque, is the largest mosque in Algeria and one of the largest mosques in Africa. 2. It is located in the city of Constantine in the northeast part of Algeria. 3. The mosque was built in 964 AD and was initially called the Great Oved Mosque. 4. It is one of the oldest surviving mosques in Africa and was rebuilt several times throughout its long history. 5. Apart from being a place of worship, The Grande Mosque of Constantine is also a cultural and economic hub for many of the city's inhabitants and a major tourist attraction. 6. The mosque's main dome is 33 meters high and is made of cedar wood. 7. It has a total of eight aisles separated by arcades. 8. It also has a large courtyard and a tiled prayer hall which is open to all. 9. The Grande Mosque of Constantine is regarded as an important place for the propagation of Islam in North Africa and the world. 10. The mosque was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. One of the historical monuments of Algeria, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Algeria most popular tourist destination with us. Grande Mosque of Constantine, Constantine In Algeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Algeria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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