Kisha e Shën Kollit In Albania: History,Facts, & Services

Kisha e Shën Kollit is an Orthodox Church located in Tirana, Albania. It is the largest Orthodox Church in the country and the main cathedral of the Albanian Orthodox Church. The church was built on the site of the old Eftikio Church, founded in 1370 and destroyed during the First World War. The current church was constructed in 1930 with contributions from all over Albania and was consecrated in 1938. Kisha e Shën Kollit is located on a large hill overlooking the city of Tirana. The church is recognized for its rich Byzantine architecture, which includes Byzantine-style frescoes and a large dome. The Church is a monument of historic, cultural, and spiritual significance for Albanian Orthodox devotees, as well as a popular tourist attraction. Inside the Church, visitors can find numerous artifacts from the time of the Ottoman Empire and the Balkan Wars. There are large brocades with the image of King Zog, the last of the Albanian ruling families. The Church also houses a mausoleum, which holds the remains of King Zog, Queen Geraldine and their son, Leka. Kisha e Shën Kollit provides religious services to its congregation and visitors, including weekly worship services and baptisms. The Church also hosts regular festivals and events, such as the Albanian Church of St. Kollit April Festival, which includes traditional music and dancing, and candlelit vigils. The Church also holds summer camps for children, concerts and workshops to teach traditional Albanian crafts. The Church is open for prayer and for visitors who wish to take part in its services.

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