Church of Saint Harallamb,Sarande In Albania: History,Facts, & Services

Church of Saint Harallamb, Sarande is an Eastern Orthodox Christian church located in Sarande, Albania. It was first established in 1792, and it is a testament to the Byzantine era, with its ornate iconostasis filled with remarkable sculptures, biblical carvings and frescoes. The Church of Saint Harallamb first served as the headquarters of the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, which had been founded in the late 19th century. During World War II, the church was destroyed and the priest was killed. After the war, the church was rebuilt. The Church of Saint Harallamb, Sarande is one of the most visited churches in the area, due to its unique history and architecture. With its intricate mosaics, marble columns and gilded iconostasis, as well as its ornate walls and frescoed ceilings, it is truly a sight to behold. The church is also a popular south-east European pilgrimage site, and is home to over 500 ancient artifacts, including a holy icon in the shape of Saint George and a rare fresco of Jesus and seven of the disciples. The church is still an active place of worship, and the priest there is happy to allow the faithful and curious to come in and take a look around. The Church of Saint Harallamb, Sarande offers a variety of services, including regularly scheduled morning and evening prayers and special services for the seven Eastern Orthodox Sacraments. The church also welcomes visitors and conducts tours of the church’s artifacts. In addition, the church offers a variety of services for the community, including marriage counseling, child care, social services and a soup kitchen. The soup kitchen provides hot meals to those in need and is staffed by volunteers.

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