What is the traditional Finnish cuisine, and where can I try it?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Finnish cuisine is rich and unique - from hearty casseroles and smoked fish dishes to unusual delicacies like reindeer. If you’re looking for a traditional Finnish culinary experience, there are plenty of restaurants and cafes in Finland that offer the best of Finnish cuisine. In this blog we’ll take a closer look at what traditional Finnish cuisine has to offer - and where you can try it! The place is known for its rich history and culture, welcomes tourists with open arms. However, be sure to review the travel advisory and travel warnings to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Traditional Finnish Cuisine

Traditional Finnish cuisine is characterized by simple, hearty, and seasonal ingredients, often influenced by the country's natural resources. Here are some examples of traditional Finnish dishes:

Finnish Rye Bread (Ruisleipä)

Finnish rye bread is a staple in Finnish cuisine. It is typically made using sourdough starter and has a dense texture. Ruisleipä is often enjoyed with butter, cheese, or various toppings like gravlax (cured salmon).


Salmiakki is a popular Finnish candy made with ammonium chloride, providing it with a salty and licorice-like flavor. It is mostly available in the form of hard candies or salty licorice.


Karjalanpiirakka, also known as Karelian pasties, are small pies made with thin rye crusts and filled with rice porridge. They are often served with a mixture of butter and boiled eggs.


Mustikkapiirakka is a Finnish blueberry pie made with a buttery crust and a generous amount of wild Finnish blueberries. It is typically served with whipped cream or ice cream.

Sauna Food (Saunakalja, Makkara)

Sauna culture is an integral part of Finnish tradition. Sauna food typically includes sausages (makkara) grilled on a barbecue or open fire. Saunakalja refers to beer that is often enjoyed alongside sausages during sauna sessions.

Where to Try Traditional Finnish Cuisine?

If you are interested in trying traditional Finnish cuisine, here are some places where you can experience it:

Restaurants in Finland

Several restaurants in Finland, especially in Helsinki, offer authentic Finnish cuisine. Look for restaurants or eateries that specialize in traditional Finnish food to try dishes like salmon soup (lohikeitto), reindeer dishes, and more.

Market Halls

Market halls, such as the Old Market Hall (Vanha Kauppahalli) in Helsinki, are excellent places to explore Finnish food. You can sample various Finnish delicacies, including different types of fish, cheese, bread, and sweet treats.

Summer Markets and Festivals

During the summer months, various food-focused festivals and markets take place across Finland. These events often showcase regional specialties and provide an opportunity to taste a wide range of traditional Finnish dishes.

Local Homestays

To truly immerse yourself in Finnish cuisine, consider staying in a local homestay or bed and breakfast. Many hosts offer home-cooked meals that feature traditional Finnish recipes.

It's essential to stay updated with international travel information, especially when planning a foreign trip, to navigate any changes in travel advisory or travel warnings.

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