What is the cost of living in Finland, and how can I budget for my trip?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Finland is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world, and for good reason! From the iconic architecture of Helsinki, to the stunning nature and delicious food, Finland has something to offer everyone. But what is the cost of living there, and how can you make sure you’re budgeting correctly for your trip? In this blog, we’ll explore the cost of living in Finland and suggest some tips to ensure you’re budgeting correctly. As you prepare for your journey, familiarize yourself with the specific entry requirements, including any necessary visas or documentation.

Cost of Living in Finland

Finland is known to have a relatively high cost of living compared to many other countries. However, the actual expenses can vary depending on your lifestyle and the city you plan to visit. Here are some of the main expenses to consider:


The cost of accommodation in Finland can vary widely based on location, size, and type of housing. For example:

  • Average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Helsinki can range from 900€ to 1,500€.
  • If you opt for shared accommodation or renting a room in a shared apartment, the cost can be lower, around 500-800€ per month.
  • Outside major cities, the cost of rent decreases, and you can find more affordable options.
Food and Groceries

The cost of food in Finland can be relatively high compared to some other countries. However, by budgeting wisely and cooking your own meals, you can save money. Here are some approximate costs:

  • A basic lunch at a restaurant can cost around 10-15€.
  • For groceries, a weekly budget of 50-70€ per person is reasonable.
  • Shopping at local markets and choosing house brands can help reduce costs.

Transportation costs in Finland can vary depending on your mode of travel and city:

  • Within cities, public transportation tickets typically cost around 3€ for a single ticket and 50-60€ for a monthly pass.
  • Renting a bicycle can be a convenient and cost-effective option in many cities.
  • Long-distance train travel or renting a car for exploring outside the cities will have additional costs.
Leisure and Entertainment

Participating in leisure activities and entertainment may add to your overall budget:

  • A cinema ticket usually costs around 10-15€.
  • Dining out at a mid-range restaurant can range from 30-50€ per person.
  • Visiting museums and attractions may have entrance fees, typically around 10-20€.
Budgeting for Your Trip

To budget for your trip to Finland, follow these steps:

  1. Research and decide on your accommodation options to estimate housing expenses.
  2. Calculate your expected food expenses, considering eating out versus cooking your own meals.
  3. Plan your transportation needs, including local travel and any long-distance trips.
  4. Consider your leisure activities and set aside a budget for entertainment.
  5. Add a buffer for unforeseen expenses or emergencies.
  6. Total your estimated costs and compare it with your available budget to ensure you can cover your expenses.

By sticking to your budget and making conscious spending decisions, you can have an enjoyable trip to Finland without exceeding your planned expenses.

The place is known for its rich history and culture, welcomes tourists with open arms. However, be sure to review the travel advisory and travel warnings to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

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