What is the best time of year to see wildlife in Finland?

Post ByAdequate Travel

If you're looking for a chance to witness majestic wildlife in their natural habitat, Finland is the place to be! During every season of the year, Finland's diverse array of wildlife can be seen in different parts of the country. In this blog, we discuss when exactly is the best time to visit Finland to observe its many wildlife inhabitants. Before embarking on your journey to finland, make sure to check the latest travel guidelines and entry requirements to ensure a smooth trip

The best time of year to see wildlife in Finland

1. Spring (April to June):

- During this time, wildlife starts to emerge from their winter hibernation, and many species can be seen.
- Migratory birds return, making it an excellent time for birdwatching.
- Brown bears come out of hibernation and can be spotted in areas such as Finnish Lapland.
- Reindeer calves are born, and it is possible to see them with their mothers.

2. Summer (June to August):

- This is the time when the days are the longest, providing ample daylight to observe wildlife.
- The pristine Finnish forests and national parks offer various opportunities for spotting animals like elk, lynx, and wild boar.
- It is also the ideal time to witness the phenomenon of the midnight sun.
- Seals can be observed along the coastlines, especially in the Gulf of Bothnia.

3. Autumn (September to October):

- As the temperatures start to cool, many birds begin their southward migration, creating great birding opportunities.
- Moose and red deer rutting season begins, and it is possible to hear their magnificent mating calls in the Finnish wilderness.
- Berry season attracts various species, including bears, who come out to feast on the abundant berries.

4. Winter (December to February):

- Despite the cold temperatures, winter is an excellent time for wildlife enthusiasts.
- Finnish Lapland provides opportunities to spot reindeer, Arctic foxes, and wolverines in their snowy habitats.
- The northern lights, a breathtaking natural phenomenon, can also be seen during this time.
- Bird species such as owls, grouse, and woodpeckers are easier to spot against the snowy background.
In conclusion, the best time to see wildlife in Finland depends on the specific species one wishes to observe. Nevertheless, Finland offers diverse wildlife viewing opportunities throughout the year.Travellers can find valuable travel information for tourists, such as local customs, must-see attractions, and dining recommendations, to make the most of their trip.

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