How do I greet the bride and groom at a Maltese wedding?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Attending a Maltese wedding? Congratulations! If you want to make sure you give the bride and groom the perfect greeting, read on to learn the details of the traditional Maltese wedding custom. Keep in mind that travel guidelines and travel rules may change anytime, so regularly check for updates to ensure a hassle-free and memorable travel experience.

How to Greet the Bride and Groom at a Maltese Wedding:

When attending a Maltese wedding, it is important to greet the bride and groom with the appropriate customs and expressions of well-wishing. Here are a few ways to greet the newlyweds:

1. Say "Il-ħaga togħnok" (May God bless you):

This phrase is commonly used in Malta to wish the couple a blessed and happy future together. It conveys your best wishes for their marriage.

2. Congratulate the couple:

Express your congratulations to the bride and groom. You can say "Prosit għall-ħarub" (Congratulations on getting married) or "Prosit lilek u lilek ir-raġel tiegħek" (Congratulations to both of you).

3. Offer a heartfelt wish:

Share a personal wish or blessing with the couple. For example, you could say "Għeżież xewqa godda tar-rabat", which means "May your dreams of happiness come true".

4. Compliment the couple:

Take a moment to compliment the bride and groom. You can say "Il-maħbubin hija bexxi" (The bride is beautiful) or "Il-gnieżna jiswa d-dulluri" (The groom looks smart).

5. Express your joy:

Share your excitement and happiness for the couple. An example could be "Jien verament kantjenti għalikom" (I am really happy for you both) or "Inħarsu pjaċir vera nindunawhom" (We wish them true pleasure).

Remember to greet the bride with a kiss on the cheek and shake hands with the groom as a sign of respect. It is also common to give the couple a wedding card or small gift to mark the occasion.Travellers can find valuable travel information for tourists, such as local customs, must-see attractions, and dining recommendations, to make the most of their trip.

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